(Glue-2305) App Installation Guide

The App is in private preview and is provided on a request.

Apps section in the Snowsight environment


After clicking on Get, additional options are provided to select the Warehouse to be used and the name of the App in the current account.

Form to install the Native App


Installing the App will create a special database where SQL procedures and Streamlit are installed.

Required authorizations

To make the App able to run the processing, it needs to be granted authorization to use a Warehouse and Execute tasks. This can be done by executing these commands:

-- Grant permission for warehouse usage GRANT USAGE ON WAREHOUSE <Warehouse> TO APPLICATION <Application name>; -- Grant permission for app to create and execute tasks GRANT EXECUTE TASK ON ACCOUNT TO APPLICATION <Application name>;

The application can use multiple warehouses based on the data processing requirements.

Additional authorizations are required for users of the App and for the SNP GlueTM add-on for SAP that will be sending the data.