(Glue-2305) Contact Support

Customer Support

Our customer support is here for you to answer your questions and to help you with any issue you encounter in SNP Glue™.

If you need support with downloading the most recent version of SNP Glue™ or with the setup, just let us know by sending an e-mail to product_support@snpgroup.com.

We will contact you promptly and provide you with all the necessary information.


If you need to open a new incident, follow these steps:

  1. Go to: https://support.sap.com/en/index.html and log in with your S user.


  2. Click Report an Incident.


  3. Select the affected system. The customer name is preselected.


  4. Verify that the access data is available, and that the system’s connection is open.
    If not, process it correctly.


  5. Provide a precise subject and description.
    Important: Select the correct component XX-PART-DVD.


  6. Add attachments (if any), then set the priority (follow the SAP note 67739), and contacts below.


  7. When everything is filled out completely, click SUBMIT.


These steps are also summarized in general in the SAP note 1296527.