(DI-2305) BW Analysis Prerequisites

(DI-2305) BW Analysis Prerequisites

Information only for AppDynamics users

BW Analysis execution is not within the scope of AppDynamics ABAP Agent monitoring. This analysis will be soon not delivered with CrystalBridge® Monitoring by default but will need to be installed as a standalone functionality. 

More details about BW Analysis can be found in the chapter (DI-2305) Set up BW Analysis. It is not recommended to set up this analysis without additional knowledge as it is a time-consuming operation and can decrease the performance of the system. 

There are additional prerequisites for enabling BW analysis depending on the system type:

Central system prerequisites:

  • SAP_BASIS and SAP_BW components installed.

Satellite system prerequisites:

  • SAP BW release: 7.00 - 7.50
  • SAP_BASIS and SAP_BW components installed.
  • Turned on the collection of standard OLAP statistics in the system. 
  • Turned on the collection of DVD statistics in the system (recommendation is to collect statistics at least for two weeks before first collectors are executed). See below the section for more details.
  • In case you are using ORACLE DB as your system database, you need to make sure DB statistics are up to date on all tables required by collectors otherwise these won't be executed.

User authorization

For proper initial setup, you need to have access to the following transactions: SE16, RSRT, SLG1 which are not included in the administrator authorization role /DVD/MON_ADMIN.

DVD extended query statistics setup

Turning on/off the collection of statistics

After the successful import of transport with DVD extended query statistics collection can be turned on/off by completing the following steps.


Go to transaction /DVD/QS_CONF

The screen for setting up configuration is displayed.

CrystalBridge® Monitoring Extended Query statistics configuration screen

Click on the 'ON' radio button for 'Query statistics enabled' to turn the collection of statistics on. User information collected can be turned on optionally (If this setting is turned on, the information about which user executed the query is captured).

Confirm the change of configuration by clicking on the 'Save Config' button (or using the F8 key).
A confirmation dialog is displayed.

Change the configuration confirmation dialog

Click on the 'Yes' button to confirm the change of configuration.

The same steps apply also to turn off the statistics. To turn the collection of statistics off only difference is to click on the 'OFF' radio button in step 4.

Additional collection options

Click on the 'Select InfoProviders' button. A dialog window is displayed where you can restrict for which InfoProviders should be statistics collected. If no InfoProviders are specified in the table (initial state), statistics will be collected for the whole system. You can always disable collecting statistics for specific InfoProvider by deselecting the 'Enabled' column or removing them from the list. It is important to note that once the InfoProvider selection is used, statistics will be collected only for those with the "Enabled" flag one. For not specified InfoProviders in the list, statistics won't be collected.

Restrict query statistics collection

Click on the "Exclude characteristics" button to display the select option for characteristics exclusion. In this window, you can define which characteristic filter values should not be saved when queries are executed. This option should be used only when necessary to reduce the amount of data saved in the statistics table (useful for huge hierarchy selections) as it reduces the completeness of statistics.

Excluding characteristics from collection

Scheduling of statistics collection

It is possible to schedule enabling statistics on a regular basis if requested. For this purpose report '/DVD/QS_CONFIG_SCHEDUL' (transaction /DVD/QS_SCHED) is provided. You can create two standard report variants for this report. 

Scheduling of DVD extended query statistics collection

In the first variant, you specify the checkbox as checked while in the second variant this checkbox would be unchecked. You can then schedule the execution of this report with the first variant every morning through a standard SAP report scheduling functionality. This would cause statistics collection to be turned on every morning. Then you would schedule the execution of this report with the second variant every midnight to turn off the statistics collection.

Validating collection of DVD extended query statistics

After the statistics are enabled in a system by using steps specified in the Turning on/off the collection of statistics section, it is recommended to validate their functionality. To validate them, follow these steps:

  1. Go to transaction RSRT and choose random Query with filtering options.
  2. Click on the 'Execute + Debug' button to display query execution options.
  3. In the list of settings check the checkbox next to the 'Do Not Use Cache' option.

4. Click on Continue (or use Enter Key) to execute the query (in the next screen that is query dependent, fill at least one filter).

5. Go to transaction SE16.

6. Insert the following table name '/DVD/QS_QINFO' and click on the 'Table contents' button (F7).

DVD extended query statistics main table

7. Do not use any filters and click on the 'Execute' button (F8).

8. In the following screen with a table content you should see at least one row with the information about the query just executed through the RSRT transaction.

Captured information about the executed query

9. Go back to transaction SE16. Fill in table name '/DVD/QS_QVAR' and click on the 'Table contents' button (F7).

DVD extended query statistics filter table

10. Do not use any filters and click on the 'Execute' button (F8).

11. In the following screen with a table content you should see at least one row with the information about the used filter in the executed query (if you chose such query with filters and specified some).

Captured filtering information

If any information is captured after DVD statistics were enabled in the system and the query was executed, the validation is done.

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