(DI-2305) Prediction Setup

(DI-2305) Prediction Setup

How to enable prediction

Some CrystalBridge® Monitoring analyses support the prediction of future values. Prediction of values can be a time-consuming task that is always executed in the background directly on the system. CrystalBridge® Monitoring solution currently supports prediction calculation using R language via OpenCPU server HTTP API (https://www.opencpu.org/).
OpenCPU server can be installed on-premise or can be accessed externally if security restrictions allow that. To install the OpenCPU server, please refer to the OpenCPU installation guide. The recommended version of the OpenCPU server should be always used.

Required R library packages

CrystalBridge® Monitoring solution uses a custom prediction R script to predict time series data. For correct execution of the script, the following R library packages must be available on the OpenCPU server:

  • datasets
  • forecast
  • graphics
  • grDevices
  • methods
  • Rserve
  • stats
  • timeDate
  • utils
  • zoo

Turning prediction ON

CrystalBridge® Monitoring analyses use prediction functionality automatically when available. This availability is determined by the presence of a valid OpenCPU server URL in Reuse Library settings on the central system. To change the URL to the OpenCPU server, you should execute the program "/DVD/RL_R_SETTINGS". Setting "OpenCPU server URI" can be changed by clicking on the "Edit" button. 

The specified value should look like this:
You should test the accessibility and presence of required R library packages by testing OpenCPU server URL concatenated with "/ocpu/library/" path using standard report "RSWF_TEST_HTTP". HTTP test should end with status_code 200 and required library packages should be present in the returned list.

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