(DI-2302) Collector for CrystalBridge Monitoring License

(DI-2302) Collector for CrystalBridge Monitoring License

This collector runs daily and reports how many days until the monitoring license is invalid. If two or more licenses are installed on the system then the collector will report on one that has the most remaining days. The technical name of the collector is /DVD/MON_CL_COL_LICENSE

Default KPIs delivered with this collector

The following default KPIs are delivered with this collector:

KPI name



Detail table

KPI name



Detail table


Number of days the license will be valid for




This KPI can raise two types of alerts based on the remaining valid days of monitored license:

  1. Warning - alert is raised if the number of remaining valid days of the license is lower or equal to 7 days

  2. Error - alert is raised if the number of remaining valid days of the license is lower or equal to 2 days

Also, it is recommended to define a threshold alert that will send an email as soon as KPI reaches that threshold. For this option, please check the following chapter Set up and Alert with a Threshold.