(DI-2302) SCM system qRFC queue details

(DI-2302) SCM system qRFC queue details

Collector /DVD/MON_CL_COL_QRFC has integrated monitoring for /SAPAPO/ function modules for SCM systems. As these function modules have a large number of parameters a separate input table is needed.

This part of the collector and its input table is only for SAP SCM systems.

Input Table

Input table for SCM system /DVD/MON_APO_CF is slightly different from standard qRFC queue monitoring. It provides the following fields:

Queue Name

Name of RFC queue

Queue Name

Name of RFC queue


Destination of RFC queue. If left empty, it will be considered as Inbound queue.

Parameter Path

Path to a parameter which value you wish to monitor. There are 3 types of parameters:

  1. Single parameter - extracting the single value of the parameter - defined as IV_PARAMETER

  2. Struct parameter - extracting field value from a struct - defined as IS_STRUCT-FIELD

  3. Table parameter - extracting field value from a table - defined as IT_TABLE-FIELD

You can use F4 help to display SCM function modules and their parameters to choose from.

Custom Field

Defines where the parameter value will be stored in already existing CrystalBridge® Monitoring detail table /DVD/MON_S_QUEUE_ERROR.

  1. CUSVAL1-CUSVAL6 - suitable for single parameter/struct parameter values

  2. CUSLVAL1-CUSLVAL2 - long values, good for storing table field parameters as those represented in a single field as VALUE1;VALUE2;VALUE3;VALUE4 (when a table has multiple rows, values are separated by “;” in one field)

You might also define input values with wildcard '*' for fields Queue Name and Destination. Other field values have to be fully specified.

Detail Table

Output of SCM extraction will be appended into the existing detail table /DVD/MON_S_QUEUE_ERROR under CUSVAL fields user specified in the input table.

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