(Glue-2208) Glue Queue
SNP Glue™ Queue object stores data in a cluster table (same for all Queues) in a byte string form. This enables to save data from the source in the fastest way. Later on, this data can be read using one or multiple SNP Glue™ Queue Fetcher.
Creation of SNP Glue™ Queue
Run the transaction /DVD/GL80 to open Object Navigator
In the context menu of the desired package select option Create SNP Glue™ Queue
Enter the name of the new Queue in the Queue name
Confirm the popup
Activation of SNP Glue™ Queue
After creation, the object is in the saved state. For activation, all mandatory inputs need to be filled in.
SNP Glue™ Table structure
Queue structure based on SNP Glue™ Table
provided with F4 help
SNP Glue™ Queue is not supported with meaningful fields set in the SNP Glue™ table.
DDIC structure
Queue structure based on DDIC structure
provided with F4 help
Queue Subscribers
Queue subscriber is active Queue Fetcher pointing on existing Queue. The queue can have an unlimited number of subscribers and each one can push data to different Consumers.
With this approach, it's possible to replicate the same data in multiple destinations.
Active Queue subscribers are visible on the main Queue object screen
Queue content preview is available after clicking on Show content in the application toolbar.
The queue is being cleared once all data were successfully transferred to target storage (in case of multiple subscribers, every subscriber must transfer all data from Queue) and at the same time, there are no filling Extraction processes for queue running.
In some cases, SNP Glue™ Queue can collect duplicates, and during transport
Since SNP Glue™ Queue can contain duplicates. If your target storage has type Azure SQL
Queue Overview
You can open Queue Overview from SNP Glue™ Cockpit (transaction /DVD/GLUE) by clicking on the overview icon (Shift+F11) or via the menu bar Tools -> Glue utilities -> Queue overview. You can also do it simply by running transaction /DVD/GL_Q_OVERVIEW.
After accessing the Queue Overview, a filter for Queues comes up where you can specify your selection based on the following fields:
Queue name - Name of the Queue object
Package - Name of the package which should contain Queue objects
User name - Name of the user who created the Queue objects
Maximum No. of Hits - Maximum number of records displayed
After clicking on the Execute button, the Queue Overview displays all Queues according to the selection.
The list of the Queues contains 3 columns with uncalculated values (Subscribers, Packages, Size(MB)). For calculation of the values, it is necessary to first mark all desired rows and click on the button Calculate in to list toolbar.