(DI-2202) BW System Health
Table of Contents:
Runtimes and errors in process chain steps
The visualization displays runtime and error statistics for process chain steps, which were running on a system in the selected time range. This analysis enables you to check all active process chains at once on a particular system.
You have a possibility of two view perspectives, by selecting "day" or "week" in distribution in. You may filter results by the displayed characteristics.
Basic view displays results in four levels:
Level | Level description |
1 | Type of process chain step |
2 | Name of the process chain |
3 | Date of result |
4 | Variant used for process chain step |
Result KPI types
You may select in Display a sum or an average (average is possible only for values > 0) of the KPIs runtimes and number of errors.
Results can be distributed and aggregated into a day view or a week view.
In the day view, the results are displayed in hours and in the week view in days.
Runtime value calculation
The value of a runtime depends on the chosen sampling frequency, distribution and selected time range. Value of a runtime displays the number of frequency intervals of a process chain step that were running in the selected time range.
Let's show it on an example:
A process chain step was running from 10:45 to 12:50 and has the following settings:
By distributing this process chain step in a day view, we obtain 3-time intervals which intersect with the day view distribution.
Interval from in a day view | Interval to in a day view | Process chain step from | Process chain step to | Results in a different frequency | |
1 minute | 5 minutes | ||||
10:00 | 11:00 | 10:45 | 11:00 | 15 | 3 |
11:00 | 12:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 60 | 12 |
12:00 | 13:00 | 12:00 | 12:50 | 50 | 10 |
With the change of the sampling frequency you can obtain more or less detailed results.
Query runtime
The visualizations show query average runtimes per some analyzed period. There are two charts visible. The left side chart displays query groups based on average runtime i.e., how many queries in the system belong to each performance group during the analyzed period. The right side chart displays a scatter chart plot for each individual query with average runtime and number of executions. The user can filter data and also switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
Query runtime analysis charts
You can click (drill-down) in the left column chart in order to get more information about query execution.
Query execution details table
Here it is also possible to filter or download data. You can also click (drill-down) on the row in order to get more information about query execution as the time when the query was executed, min., max. and average query runtime and also selection string.
It is also possible to go directly into this analysis from the scatter plot in the Query runtime analysis (by drilling down on the data in the scatter plot).
Query execution details per filtering InfoObjects combinations
Here it is also possible to filter or download data or switch to table view and download data to CSV file for further processing.
Query runtime by categories
The visualizations show query average runtimes according to query processing categories per some analyzed period. Displayed categories are BI Suite, Data Manager, OLAP - Cache, OLAP – OLAP, OLAP – Authorizations and OLAP – Input Help (click here for more info).
The top part of the analysis displays the average time spent in processing by each category for a whole system. The bottom chart displays average processing times in categories for individual queries.
Query runtime by categories analysis chart
You can filter data and also switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
The worst runtime queries
The visualization shows the worst and also the best query execution runtimes per some analyzed period per day. For each day maximum of 10 worst query executions are captured.
Query worst runtime analysis chart
You can filter data and also switch to the table view for more detailed information where data can be downloaded into a CSV file for further processing.
It is possible to click on the data in the plot area or in the table and you will be redirected to the exact selection of query for corresponding worst execution. Here data can be filtered and downloaded into the CSV.
Selection filters of worst query execution