(SP19) OutBoard for Analytics Statistics

OutBoard allows a user to view usage statistics of InfoProviders. OutBoard Statistics can be accessed by:

  • Right-clicking on particular InfoProvider and selecting "Display Statistics" to view statistics for selected InfoProvider in Outboard Browser.


this icon to Display Statistics (Shift + F4), for viewing statistics for all archived InfoProviders.

OutBoard Statistics

In the Outboard Statistics is taken only access to NLS data via Queries and DTP loads. Access via OutBoard Browser is not taken into consideration. Of course, if data is read from cache, it doesn't count in Statistics also. Statistics can be reset (F6).
OutBoard Statistics provide following information:

Object Name

name of InfoProvider


type of InfoProvider

Arch. Request ID

ID of archiving request

Aggregate/Request condition

name of aggregate or condition of archiving request

Last Usage

date of last usage of archived InfoProvider

First Usage

date of first usage of archived InfoProvider

Number of Times Used

number of times used of InfoProvider