(DI-2108) Deletion of system ends up in dump/exceeds time limit.

(DI-2108) Deletion of system ends up in dump/exceeds time limit.

When deleting the system from Datavard Insights cockpit a dump may occur when execution takes too long. This is caused by a huge volume of collected transaction data for the system. In that case, these data have to be deleted manually by smaller parts. Using SE38 execute report /DVD/MON_DATA_DELETE.

Screen options:

  • Time Selection - specify deletion by data time range. If deletion of system dumped, try to delete it by smaller time frames.

  • All data in time range - by default checked - will delete all transactional data in a selected time frame for each monitored system by Datavard Insights. If an unchecked user can specify:

    • System ID - user can manually select which system will be data deleted from

    • Tables - tables that contain Datavard Insights transactional data. This select option is pre-filled by default - do not change unless you know what you are doing

  • Test mode - when executed with test mode checked, none of the database data will be deleted, instead it will write a list of tables that would be deleted.


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