(DI-2108) Set up and Install


For installation of Insights follows this step list:

1. Choose the deployment scenario

Choose the deployment scenario based on your landscape and monitoring preferences (see the section (DI-2108) Deployment Scenarios).

Table of contents

2. Set up central system

Setup central system by following the steps below:



More info


Check the requirements for the central system installation

See the chapter (DI-2108) Central system prerequisites

For a centralized scenario with Fiori, see the chapter Setup Fiori system


Import transports for central system 

See the README.TXT file shipped together with transports

3.Create users and set up authorizations

See the chapter (DI-2108) Set up Users and Authorizations

4.Enter the license during the first execution of the transaction /DVD/MONSee the chapter (DI-2108) Licensing
5.Use the the Startup Wizard


Register a system for monitoring

See the chapter (DI-2108) Add a New System


Start monitoring

See the chapter (DI-2108) Schedule the Monitoring of KPIs

For a centralized scenario with Fiori, run the Wizard for the (DI-2108) Set up BW Analysis

3. Set up satellite systems

Set up satellite systems by following the steps below:



Step applies for

More info

1.Check if the system complies with prerequisitesBW

See the chapter (DI-2108) BW Analysis Prerequisites


Import transports for a satellite system

See README.TXT file shipped together with transports

4. Set up Fiori system

Set up the Fiori system by following the steps below:



More info


Check if the system complies with Fiori prerequisites

See the chapter (DI-2108) Fiori Prerequisites


Import transports for central system 

See README.TXT file shipped together with transports


It is possible to uninstall Insights in the case of one-time usage of Insights or usage for a limited time. Insights deinstallation is provided by a transport. The transport is requested through our support team or OSS. Requesting e-mail has to contain Insights version, information about other Datavard products installed, and all provided transport request numbers used for Insights installation in the system. Deinstallation transport has to be imported on all of the systems where Insights is installed. After deinstallation, all data generated by Insights, as well as ABAP and Data Dictionary Objects are deleted.

How to uninstall Insights:

  • First, you need to delete all services with /dvd/ Namespace. How to delete this service:
  1. Go to the transaction /n/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE, click on the chosen service (you have to click on the technical service name of your service).
  2. Click on ICF node and choose Delete.
  3. Click on Remove system alias.
  4. Then click Delete service.

  • Import the deletion transport.

Note: If you have some other Datavard product, which needs OData or Fiori services, probably after the deletion transport it was not functional, because the deletion transport deleted the node /dvd/.

Note: The deletion transport deletes the Reuse Library too.