(2102) Field-based ADSO

To set a relative condition for the field-based ADSOs, it is necessary to create a mapping between the field name on which you want to set up a condition and the InfoObject. The field must have the same length as the referenced InfoObject.

Supported InfoObjects:

  • 0CALDAY - Calendar day
  • 0CALWEEK - Calendar year/week
  • 0CALMONTH - Calendar year/month
  • 0CALQUARTER - Calendar year/quarter
  • 0CALYEAR - Calendar year
  • 0DATE - Date
  • 0HALFYEAR1 - Halfyear
  • 0TCTTIMSTMP - UTC Time Stamp
  • 0FISCPER - Fiscal year / period
  • 0FISCYEAR - Fiscal year

Select Other->Field mapping from the menu bar in the main screen and create/edit an entry for the mapping. If this option is not available in your DataTiering version, go to transaction /DVD/OA_BASE_CFM.

It is possible to create a mapping:

  • for a pattern: start a field name with an asterisk (*) and set the pattern to X
  • for a field of specific ADSO: use this format for a field - 4ADSONAME-FIELDNAME