(DI-2102) System Monitoring
Under Monitoring, you can search and display values of a KPI changing in a selected period of time. Also you may set or update an alert for a KPI. As this functionality is being developed continuously, it is expected to include more functions from the SAP Monitoring Cockpit in the future. A list of all default KPIs can be found under (DI-2005) Complete List of Default KPIs.
There are two ways how to enter the Monitoring:
The first one is to choose a particular system tile in the Main view and select the tab Monitoring. You can view the KPI related to the selected tile. The time range displays the last measured KPI values.
The second way is to enter Monitoring from the Alerts tab in the Main view. In this case you can view the KPI, which caused the alert. This alert is from the time period which started short before the alert occurrence and ends short after the alert ending.
For more information about Alerts, see the chapter (DI-2005) Alert list.
KPIs are divided into groups, based on the settings of Insights in SAP GUI. For more information about settings of KPI groups, see the chapter (DI-2005) KPI Groups.
To find a specific KPI, you may use a filter. Tiles without data aren't displayed.
In this version it is not possible to freely add or remove a KPI from the chart.
Monitoring analysis tiles
Monitoring consists of the following tabs:
KPI chart
- Under KPI chart tab, you see how the values change over a period of time for the KPIs.
Monitoring View - KPI chart
- When you hover the mouse over the chart, a pop-up comes up displaying information about the KPIs. You may choose the color of your preference for a KPI, by clicking on the circle next to it in the pop-up.
- Action Actions. displays all actions, which can be performed with the KPI. You may find a detailed description in the part
- The alert icon navigates you to the Alert list tab.
Alert list
- The second Alert list tab is only displayed, if the selected KPIs contain an alert. This tab displays all alerts for the selected KPI in the specified time range.
- This tab can be entered by clicking in the Alert list tab or through the KPI chart.
- In each row are two action buttons Edit and Detail. With Edit you can change Processor (person responsible for resolving notifications) and Comment fields, which you can use for additional comments. With Detail you can navigate to the KPI chart of the selected alert.
Detail tables
- The last tab (see the figure below) is displayed, if the chosen KPIs are assigned to Detail tables. Each Detail table creates a new tab with a corresponding name.
Monitoring View - Detail table
Date/Time range selection
In this toolbar you can select a date/time period for the chart and Detail tables. All monitoring data in the window is displayed only for the selected period.
You can choose predefined values (as "Hour" or "Day") or you can set any desired date range through the Custom option. If you select for example "Hour", the range will be calculated and applied.
To refresh or change this range, click on Refresh, select another time period or refresh the page in your browser. There is also auto-refresh function, which is by default turned on. You can turn it on/off with the Auto-refresh.
With Settings you can change the auto-refresh period or periods of the date-time navigation arrows. Using these arrows you can increase or decrease the date-time value.
In KPI chart tab are several possibilities how to select the displayed actions.
- One of them is to click Action.
- The second option is to click on any point on the selected chart line and choose Action.
The following actions are displayed:
For some actions you must choose a KPI as a parameter. In the case you access the action menu from a point of chart or from legend, this KPI parameter is taken from data you have clicked on.
Action descriptions
KPI Info
This action shows additional information about the selected KPI. Such as Technical name, Description, Unit and Long description.
Show KPI details
This action redirects you to detailed information in a Detail table. You can use this action for any KPI displayed in a chart, which is linked to a Detail table.
Display one KPI
The selected KPI is shown in the chart. When you choose to display only one KPI in a chart, additional information is displayed: vertical left axis with values and alert thresholds (dash-dot line) for the selected KPI and system.
Find correlated KPIs
You can use this action to find KPIs, which correlate with the chosen KPI within the selected time range. KPIs with correlation coefficient greater or equal to 70% are displayed.
The method how to find correlated KPIs is displayed on the figure below.
An example of a correlated KPI called "Average disk response time (all servers)".
Set / Update threshold
After you choose this action, you must first select a KPI and then you can create a new alert threshold or update an existing one.
After selecting one option, a form is displayed, where you can define conditions based on which the alert occurs. In Advanced Options, you can define additional parameters:
And in Set Notifications section, you can add / remove or change notifications for an alert.
Set anomaly detection
"Anomaly detection" is another way how to monitor KPI behavior. It checks, if KPI values are not behaving in a usual way. After you select a KPI, you can add or change anomaly settings: