(DI-2102) System Requirements

(DI-2102) System Requirements

System types

Insights requires 3 types of systems to be present in given landscape:

  • Central System – System in the landscape that collects all the data from Satellite System
  • Satellite System – System in the landscape where analyses are executed
  • Fiori System – System in the landscape where Fiori application is stored

There are several options for these three system to be physically present in the landscape:

  1. All three system types present in one SAP System
  2. Fiori + Central in one system, one or more systems are Satellites
  3. Fiori in one SAP System, Central in another SAP System, one or more systems are Satellites


Insights executes analyses on Satellite Systems and collects them in Central System. Communication between Central and Satellite systems is with the help of RFC connections.

Fiori application (that shows all the visualization) reads the results from the Central System. Communication between Fiori application and Central System is with the help of OData services (RFC connection between Fiori and Central system is also required).