(DI-2011) Set up an Anomaly Alert

(DI-2011) Set up an Anomaly Alert

Set anomaly

Set the anomaly helps you to create a new anomaly alert definition for a KPI. When this functionality is selected, a pop-up with predefined values is displayed. When you set a new anomaly value (if predefined values don't need to be changed) and a new alert definition is created in customizing with the relevant KPI assignment. All alerts generated this way have the following naming: X<KPI_NAME(21)><(NUMBER(10)> (e.g., XDB_CPU_LOAD5_P0000001900). 

The long description of a threshold can be added through the button Long Description and the entered text is saved after you close the window.

Alert notifications can be sent via different paths by setting one of the notification types.

List of notifications to be set and already set recipients is displayed here.