(DI-2008) Execution troubleshooting

(DI-2008) Execution troubleshooting

Here you can find a way how to get more information about execution of BW analyses. 

BW analyses are executed on satellite systems, therefore application logs are also saved on satellite system. Application logs from execution will not be available on central system.

Progressing logs

The BW analysis collectors can run for multiple hours. You can see current progress of a collector by running the transaction SLG1 on satellite system, where the collector is currently running. You need to provide following input parameters:

  • Object - /DVD/HS
  • Subobject - *
  • External ID - *

After pressing execute button (F8) logs of BW collectors should be displayed. 


As a result of SAP logging mechanism, it is possible the log won't be displayed if the user tries to access it at the time running process is writing records to it. In such case it is recommended to try to display logs few times to overcome this issue.

Following is example of Data distribution collector processing log.