(Glue-2005) ABAP Based Extractor
(Glue-2005) ABAP Based Extractor
To create the ABAP based extractor
- In Extractor Workbench.
- Right-click on ABAP to Storage and choose Create Extractor.
- Specify the following parameters:
- Extractor name – technical name of the extractor.
- Description – description of the extractor.
- Extractor type – this value is predefined, for this type of extractor select the ABAP to Storage extractor.
- Source type
- Target type
- Fill in following entries:
- Result Structure – SAP table/structure that represents source structure of data
- Target Table HIVE – target GLUE table
- Input Structure – SAP table/structure that will serve as a filter for class providing the data - similar to select-options
- Class Name – SAP class that implements interface /DVD/GL_EXT_IF_ABAP
Please note: that Target Structure section is automatically generated and its content depends on the defined Input Structure.
3. Save and Activate.
4. The next step is to create a Variant.
Technical details
To use a Class as a Data provider, the class must implement interface /DVD/GL_EXT_IF_ABAP.
The interface contains these methods:
- INIT - serves for initialization of required information for extraction process; input parameter is select-options from variant
- HAS_DATA - signalizes extraction process, if there are still some data to extract
- GET_NEXT_PACKAGE - provides data that will be replicated to Storage
- POST_EXTRACTION - post-processing after successful extraction
- CLEANUP - cleanup after failed extraction
, multiple selections available,