(DV-2005) Export/Import test cases

(DV-2005) Export/Import test cases

Although transport of test cases exist, it has one flaw. When you try to transport test cases or folder with test cases on the system with same name (e.q NSD to NSD) and test cases under same name or ID already exist on the receiving system, they will be overwritten. Export and import solve these problems. When you choose to Export test case or folder, it will download test cases locally as .zip folder. You can then use Import function on another system, which will read exported zip, and saves test cases with new external IDs and names. 

Following test case types are supported by Export:

  • Manual
  • Query
  • Drill Down
  • ListCube
  • DTP
  • ERP Report
  • Table
  • SLO ListCube
  • ERP Table


You can either export whole folder or single test case. It is done by right clicking folder/case and choosing option "Export".

After that, you will be prompted to enter folder in which you want to save .zip file. You can fill out name but don't choose other file type.

If you see message like xxxx bytes were transfered, save was successful and .zip should appear in your chosen folder.


If you wish to import .zip file on another system, navigate into the Extras and then Import cases ZIP in the very top menu of Validate.

You will be prompted to choose the file by similar screen as the one where you were saving .zip file. Navigate to file and double click on it. If import was successful you should see message like ZIP files imported successfully.

Folder like this on will be created in your Validate Test Management:

First three letters identify system, from which was export done. Then there is Exported + date and time of when the file was exported. Technical name of folder is IMP as import and timestamp of when the import was done.