(DV-2005) Release notes

(DV-2005) Release notes

Release Date: 22.5.2020 (next on 3.8.2020)
Version: 2005 - Spring release (build 81)

New Features

Report comparison via Python

Native HANA support for table comparison with long table names 

Integrate WHERE condition for table tests

UI for external repository setup

Validate test plan housekeeping

DTS integration

Automatic change of status for test runs

Field/InfoObject mapping option in ListCube variant 


Columns for differences of runtime of image creation for Table test case type

Column for compare task runtime in backend test cases

Define new test case status "Re-test required"

Change caption to "Key fields" and "Value fields" on table variant 

Lock After image variant if it is used in test plan

Variants for Outboard only from ACTIVE and non-empty archiving requests

ListCube variants for Outboard for ADSOs must not use "Read NLS Data Only"

Sort ALV output of Before/After image in Compare results per Page

Generate only N-number of ListCube variants for Outboard

Installation of python library from WHL via ABAP

Generation of ListCube variants for Outboard as foreground process

Option to switch off alpha conversion for ListCube comparison


Quick search in table variant generator doesn't work in special cases

Close button in WHERE condition popup of table variant generator doesn't work

WHERE condition check raise exception

Runtime exception displayed after confirmation empty field list of characteristics in table variant generator

Generation of variants stops if you have inactive infoprovider in your scope

Unknown message displayed when wrong scheme/table name is entered 

Union screen is empty in WEBI testing

Wrong messages when executing mass edit of table variants

Display of exception in table variant for SM

Table variant for SM used as after image is not in read only mode

Popup for saving data on table variant in read only mode

Copying table variant in test case failed on WHERE condition

Table variant generator generates key fields for empty key field list for ROWCOUNT only

ListCube maping is not RFC enabled 

Query comparison shows errors when values are same 

Issue with creation of variant with empty after image

Transport of test cases internal IDs