(Glue-2002) Manage the Executed Extraction of an Extractor

In this chapter you can find detailed information about the executed extractions of an extractor. You may also delete a particular extraction of an extractor.

To display the extractions of an extractor

  1. Go to Extractor Workbench.
  2. Find the specific extractor and with a right-click open the context menu.
  3. Select Manage to access detailed information about the extractor.

To refresh information displayed for all extractions, click Refresh.
Refresh option can be useful to monitor changes for a running extraction. 

The executed extractions of variants of the selected extractor are displayed in the section Extractor Request Browser

Every row of the table represents one extraction and contains the following information (Some of the following fields aren't displayed for other types of extractors):

  • Glue request unique identification of an execution
  • Statusstatus of an execution (success, error, warning, etc)
  • Delta type Full (full execution was performed) or Delta (execution based on delta type of extractor was performed)
  • Variant description description of a variant
  • Variant name name of a variant
  • User Name name of the user who executed the extraction
  • Lines read number of read lines during the extraction
  • Lines transferred – number of transferred lines during the extraction
  • Start Date start date of an execution
  • Start Time start time of an execution
  • End Date end date of an execution
  • End Time end time of an execution

To display detailed logs of an extraction

Click on the Logs icon. Type and a message text are displayed for each execution of an extractor.

To delete data of an individual extractions

Select one or more extractions represented by individual rows and click Delete Request.

This step deletes all data transferred during the extraction and also the records about the extractions. We recommend to use delete for corrupted data.

To clear request metadata of individual extractions

Select one or more extractions represented by individual rows and click Clear request metadata.

This step clears only records about the extractions (metadata) and all data transferred during successful extraction will remain unchanged. It can be used e.g. for clearing failed extractions.

The delete operation doesn't influence the delta mechanism of these extractors. For more information about the delta mechanism, see Delta Mechanisms.