(DV-2002) Table Variant Generator

(DV-2002) Table Variant Generator

The Table Variant Generator functionality enables to generate Table Variants from standard SAP tables. You can access it from the Table Variants screen. On the first access to the screen, the Table Variant Generator scans the systems tables and determines a classification SAP Application Components (SAP modules) with the table size (only informative value from DB statistics). This usually takes some time, therefore there is a progress bar in the bottom left corner of the screen to show the state of the scanning procedure.

Figure 1 Accessing the Table Variant Generator

Each next access is fast until a refresh of the content via refresh button.

The Table Variant Generator shows all found tables in a tree structure, classified into SAP Application Components. Selecting a node in the tree also selects all the nodes in the nodes sub-tree.


Figure 2 Table Variant Generator

Refresh - Re-scans the target systems tables (needed if RFC destination is changed)

Search/Find - Functionality for searching in the tree, supports search patterns, works also by pressing enter in the input search field

Filters - Allows the filtering of the output tree by table name, component name and its description

Expand/Collapse all - Expands or collapses the tree

Select/Deselect all - Selects or deselects all the tree nodes

Export table list - Allows exporting the list of all tables (with the selection) from the tree into a CSV file

Import table list - Imports tables selection from a CSV file

Field list for characteristics - Allows the definition of whitelisted (or blacklisted if the exclude flag is checked) fields/data elements/tables which will be used as key characteristics in variants. Default whitelist/blacklist is in the pre-delivered content and always can be restored by clicking on Reset button. The whitelist/blacklist can be exported/imported to the CSV file.

Figure 3 Field list of characteristics screen

Execute in background - Executes the Table Variant Generation in a background job.

Execute in foreground - Executes the Table Variant Generation in a dialog job. Use it for generating of table variant of single table or variants without application of portioning.

Advanced settings:

Variant description pattern - The naming pattern used for the description of generated table variants. Following placeholders are allowed in the pattern:

<INDEX> - add number of generated variant to the description,

<TABNAME> - add technical name of the table to the description,

<PORTION> - add portion number of the table to the description

RFC Destination - RFC destination that will be used for Table Variant Generation. After selecting of RFC destination, the user should refresh the table tree, so the target systems tables are displayed.

Mapping ID - Set the table field mapping name to each variant. To create new mapping, fill the field with mapping name and double click it. If mapping with such name doesn't exist yet, you will be navigated into the field mapping definition screen. See section Field Mapping for more information how to define mapping. 

Select number of rows - An option for the column 'ROWCOUNT' to be added into the output of the Table.

Maximum portion size - Defines the maximum portion size of the generated Table Variants. If the table is bigger than the maximum size, adequate number of Table Variants for each portion will be generated. Each portion will have generated a filter with the range of values for determining portion size in the output image.


Figure 4 Screen with generated variants