(DV-2002) Table Settings
(DV-2002) Table Settings
Table RowCount Precise Compare
- If this option is set to 'X' RowCount columns in Table variant images will be compared without the use of acceptable threshold differences.
Table Decimal Places Precision
- Number of decimal places to be displayed/compared in the Table testing scenario. Possible values: 0 to 14.
Max. disp. Table row count
- Maximum lines to be displayed at once in Table testing scenario 'Display results' steps.
Max. Table image row size
- Maximum number of rows that will be saved during the creation of a Table image. If this threshold is reached no more rows are saved and the image creation ends with an error. This is a safety check to prevent eating up too many resources with non-defined variants. Default value is 500.000 rows. Max. allowed value is 20.000.000 rows, anything greater will be overwritten by default value during execution.
Table Compare Threshold
- Threshold value for the Table output comparison. If a difference between the Before/After image values is smaller than this threshold, then the comparison is evaluated as correct. Possible values are float values greater than 0.
Table Relative Threshold
- Threshold value for Table output comparison. If there is a difference between Before the After image values is smaller, then this threshold comparison is evaluated as correct. Possible values are float values greater than 0.
Table Own Aggregation
- If this option is set to 'X' Validate uses own aggregation instead of DB aggregation during image creation. This option should be used when standard aggregation fails (e.g. numeric overflows).
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