(DV-2002) ListCube Settings
(DV-2002) ListCube Settings
ListCube additional aggreg.
- If this setting is set to 'X' Validate executes - additional aggregation after each ListCube image is created.
ListCube decimal places
- Number of decimal places to be displayed/compared in ListCube testing scenario. Possible values 0 to 14.
Max. disp. ListCube row count
- Maximum lines to be displayed at once in ListCube/SLO ListCube testing scenario 'Display results' step.
ListCube Compare Threshold
- Threshold value for the ListCube output comparison. If the difference between Before and After image values is smaller than the threshold set, then the comparison is evaluated as correct. Possible values are float values greater than 0.
ListCube Calling Process RSDRI
- Flag for change of caller in read method/function during Before/After image creation. Parameter serves to handle occasional problem with read of Composite providers. Default value is false.
Listcube execution in serial
- If this setting is set to ‘X’ the Validate ListCube execution will use serial mode, otherwise execution mode will be set to parallel. Recommended mode is serial.
Max. ListCube image row size
- Maximum number of rows that will be saved during the creation of a ListCube/SLO ListCube image. If this threshold is reached, no more rows are saved and the image creation ends with an error. This is safety check to prevent too many resources be eaten up with non-defined variants.
Do not use BWA for ListCube
- If this setting is set to 'X' the Validate ListCube execution will not consider the usage of BWA when reading the data from InfoProviders.
ListCube Relative Threshold
- Relative threshold value in percentage for ListCube output comparison. If a difference between Before and After image values is smaller than the set percentage of the bigger value, the comparison is evaluated as correct. Possible values are float values greater than 0 and smaller then 100.
ListCube RowCnt Precise Comp.
- If this option is set to 'X' RowCount columns in ListCube/DrillDown images will be compared without the use of acceptable threshold differences.
, multiple selections available,