(DI-1911) Working Tabs

(DI-1911) Working Tabs

This chapter describes briefly what information you can find under the individual tabs on the main screen.


System info

In this tab is displayed information about all monitored systems:

  • basic information is in Monitored system.
  • Information about the hardware configuration of the hosted machine is in Host data.
  • Information about the database in the Database data.
  • Information about the connection to a monitored system in the Connection data.

At the bottom of this tab is displayed a list of servers. This list provides an overview of servers, their names, the type of the server (application or database), host name, the number of the CPU(s), RAM size, server location and description.

If there is a flag in the field Don't mon., then the server is excluded from monitoring.

Detailed system information with list of servers

Collector jobs

Collector jobs displays all Collector jobs for monitored systems and provides information regarding their statuses. From this tab, you may control and check the Collector job runs.

For more information about the functionality, see the chapter (DI-1911) Schedule the Monitoring of KPIs.

In the list of Collector jobs, following information is displayed:

  • SID – system ID for which a Collector job has been created.
  • Profile – Monitoring profile of a KPI assigned to the Collector job. For more information, see (DI-1911) Define a Monitoring Profile for a KPI.
  • Status icon and Job status – status of a Collector job. The Collector job can have these statuses:
    • Not running – not scheduled Collector job.
    • ScheduledCollector job is scheduled for periodical runs in the future.
    • WaitingCollector job is waiting for free work processes.
    • Running - Collector job is currently running.
  • Period value / Period type – how often a Collector job is running.
  • Collector job run
  • – stops and cancels the scheduled Collector job, if the Collector job is running.
  • – starts the Collector job, if the Collector job isn't running.
  • Execution – the execution of a Collector job may be immediate or scheduled on specific date and time.
  • Start date/Start time – date and time of the initial run of a Collector job.
  • Retention time(days) – how long old collected data is stored by the Collector job. Data older then retention time is automatically deleted with the exception of data, which is excluded from deletion, see (DI-1911) Store Data Defined Through a Time Interval.
  • Background Job Name – name of the background job of the Collector job. Clicking on this button executes the transaction SE37 which displays this job.
  • Last status icon and Job last status  – status of last job run. The following statuses are possible:
    • Finished -  the last background job of a Collector job finished successfully.
    • Aborted - the last background job of a Collector job terminates due to an error or is cancelled by the user.
    • Not running - the Collector job wasn't started.
  • Delay[s] – any delay of the current background job in seconds while waiting for a free work process.
  • Run date/Run time – date and time of the current background job execution.
  • Duration – how long the current background job was running.

Collector jobs

  • Last delay – delay of the last background job in seconds when it waited for a free work process.
  • Last run date/Last run time – date and time when the last background job has been started.
  • Last duration – how long the last background job of a Collector job was running.
  • Remaining time –  time in seconds after which the next run of a Collector job will occur.
  • Next run date/Next run time – date and time of the next Collector job run.
  • Create date/Create time – date and time of a background job creation of a Collector job.
  • Creator name – the user who started/stopped the background job of a Collector job.

If you double click on the Collector job record in the list, then all information is displayed in detail in the bottom section.
In the top bar, the menu of a Collector job list is available which contains all standard buttons for working with ALV list and which allows you to sort, filter, etc.
In addition, a Refresh button  is available along with information about last time of refresh.

KPI charts

All collected KPIs of monitored systems are represented in the form of charts within this tab.
In these charts, you can view the behavior of monitored KPIs with respect to the time and systems you specified. Each chart describes one measured KPI in a selected time interval for systems an servers that have selected in System landscape.

With a right-click on a KPI chart area, a KPI context menu is displayed. You can find a description of all available functions of the context menu in the chapter KPI context menu.

For more information on how to display KPIs, see (DI-1911) Display KPIs.

KPI mix

By using the KPI mix tab, you can display several KPI series in one chart and compare dependencies between all measured and displayed KPIs in this chart. For more information about the KPI mix chart, please see the chapter (DI-1911) Display Several KPIs in KPI Mix Chart.


The message tab displays the status messages created by Datavard Insights, for example, during the collection and processing of KPIs from a monitored system. Each message is described by a text containing information about when it occurred, on which system or server and the type of message (in ID column). Three standard types of messages exist:

  • - OK / successful messages
  • - Information / alert messages
  • - Error messages

The messages displayed are dependent on the systems or servers, you checked in System landscape.
At the top of the Messages tab, there is a list box in which you can filter the Message group. By default, all messages are displayed.
In addition you may use the standard ALV operations such as sorting, filtering, aggregating, etc.

Monitor Messages


This tab contains additional KPI information collected from the monitored systems and stored in a Detail table. It is possible to perform all standard ALV operations like sorting, filtering, aggregating, etc.

Please see more information in the chapter (DI-1911) KPI Details Displayed in a Detail Table.

Detailed KPI information from monitoring


Alerts displays messages during monitoring and collecting of KPIs, where an event occurs to one or more specific KPIs' values. Listed below are some examples of events when an alert occurs:

  • Massive short dumps within a short period of time
  • System downtime or unavailability
  • System stops/restarts
  • A typical peaks or downs in system performance
  • Start/end of SLO operations (conversions or migrations)
  • Users working in the system during conversions and many others

Such events occur as long as the corresponding KPI values are outside of the threshold limit. If events last for a long time, then the alerts will keep informing you that such events are still occurring and enable you to keep track and monitor the event's progress.

For more information about the functionality, see the chapter Alert Definition.

Through an event occurrence, the process is recorded and stored within the Alerts tab. There, you can find an ALV list of occurred events. Each line of the list represents one event. It has information about the system and the server (if the KPI of the event is server-specific).
The type of the alert informs you about the alert status as follows:

    • - Success event
    • - Warning event
    • - Issues event
    • - Error event

Count displays the number of occurred event alerts. Other information displayed here is – when an event has started and when it has ended (if it has ended), the event's description, etc.

Occurred events

With this ALV list of messages, it is possible to perform all standard ALV operations like sorting, filtering, aggregating, etc.
For a more detailed view of an event, just double click on a line.

Detail output

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