(DI-1904) Collector for Monitoring System Logs
The collector for monitoring system logs is /DVD/MON_CL_COL_SYSLOG.
It collects KPIs about system logs. The KPIs are defined through the KPI definition and other rules in the input table /DVD/MON_SLGMSG2.
The KPI is defined in the input table /DVD/MON_SLGMSG2 with these fields:
KPI | KPI name |
KPI Rule Number | KPI rule number |
AREA | System log: message area (First part of the message number) |
SUBID | System log: Sub name (Third character of the message name) |
Problem class | Problem class of the system log (E - Problems only, W - Problems and warnings, A - All messages) |
Priority | Priority of the system log (G - green, RA/RE - red with/without an alert, WH - white, YA/YE - yellow with/without an alert) |
Category | Category of the system log (Application, Batch Input, Background processing, SAP Basis system, Operation trace, Database, Problem notification, Communication data, Spool/print, Security, Transport) |
System ID | System ID |
Change By | Last change by a user [automatically filled] |
Change At | Last change at a specific time [automatically filled] |
Created By | Created by a user [automatically filled] |
Created At | Created at [automatically filled] |
The collector provides also a detailed output of KPIs in a Detail table. The Detail table System log info - /DVD/MON_SLGINF2 contains the following fields:
Timestamp |
System ID |
Server name |
Record ID |
Date |
Time |
SAP process name |
Client |
SAP user name |
Transaction Code |
Program Name |
System log message group |
Sub-name |
Message text |
This collector includes by default these predefined KPIs:
KPI name | Description | Unit |
SLG_DEBUG | Number of changes in debug mode | Count |
SLG_KERNEL | Number of activated C-calls debugging | Count |
NOTE: All standard system log KPIs have the prefix SLG_*