(SP23) Synchronization Process
(SP23) Synchronization Process
Synchronization process is needed when the archive has been restored to a certain point in time. This will result in an inconsistent state between the primary database and the archive.
To synchronize the archive with the primary database:
- Run report /DVD/SM_PIT_HANA_SYNCHRONIZE and create a new Run ID.
If you want to re-open an existing Run ID you can do it by clicking on Display button. It is also possible to delete an existing Run ID.
- Now it is possible to run the PIT recovery tasks.
Point-in-time recovery process contains 6 different subtasks divided in 2 groups:
- Analysis: This optional subtask analyzes which operations are required to make the archive consistent with the primary database.
- Execution: This subtask performs operations to make the archive consistent with the primary database.
For each subgroup there are three operations:
- Generate the analysis / synchronization tasks: Select the InfoProviders you want to synchronize and then execute a report which generates a task for each InfoProvider.
If any of the synchronization tasks failed, create a new Run ID, generate new synchronization tasks for these InfoProviders with Repair checkbox checked on and execute them.
- Analyze the InfoProviders / Execute the synchronization process: Executes either the analysis tasks or the synchronization tasks that were previously generated for the InfoProviders. To execute the tasks in parallel just increase the number of background jobs.
- Show the results of the analysis / synchronization: Displays a report detailing the operations that are completed for each InfoProvider.
, multiple selections available,