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In Datavard Validate setting you can manage various settings for all parts of Datavard Validate tool. You can access the Settings in Datavard Validate Dashboard by clicking on the corresponding button, or by pressing Shift+F5.

KATE Settings 

Settings are divided into Tabs based on the area they are focusing on:Front end Testing Settings

Settings can be included in transport request via functionality 'Transport Settings'.

Inside Datavard Validate Settings

Backend Settings

In the Datavard Validate Backend settings tab, you can manage parameters for Datavard Validate Backend test scenarios separately by 'Edit' button and customize reporting statuses as described in section 8.8.5 ('Reporting Status'). Parameters are divided into folders per test scenario. Individual settings are described in next sub-chapter. 

Backend settings

Datavard Validate Backend Settings Parameters:







System Performance


  • Mass Execute Seq. Wait Time
    • Maximum number of seconds Datavard Validate waits for the test step to finish when the mass execution of the Test Cases is sequential.

Test Management Settings

For more information about "Scheduling Checker Settings" see the Test Plan Scheduling section, specifically Prerequisites part.
In section "Parameter Settings", various parameters regarding Test Management can be managed. Currently, one parameter "DISPLAY_TMPL_TYPE" is present, which states whether the Test Case types should be viewed in the Test Plan tab.

Test Case types in Test Plans tab

In section "MS Word Templates", MS Word templates for Manual Test Case and for Status Document can be managed. If you upload more template documents, only the first document from the top of uploaded documents will be used. Therefore, you need to delete the old template document before you attach a new one. (Tip: you can export document before deletion)

In section "Other Settings", Test Case statuses can be managed.

Test Management Settings

Front End Testing Settings

Under Front End Testing Settings you can manage the parameters of Datavard Validate Front End (Web Templates, Web Intelligence, Design Studio, BEx) scenario. Individual settings are described in the next sub-chapter. 

General settings:

  • Excel settings: This setting is required because web pages are build by Java script, which loads cannot be determined and therefore we allowed a time out limit for a web page to load.
    • Excel time out limit

How long (in seconds) should Excel look for a particular HTML element (table, tab on screen, etc.)

  • Execution settings
    • Repeat execution in case error

The number of times a test case is executed in case the execution ends with an error

    • Time for user input

How long (in seconds) an execution of a report is postponed after it was loaded in Internet Explorer. You can use this time for the manual input (e.g. filtering values). This setting should be used with caution as it goes against the automation principle. We recommend to prepare reports for testing, which don't need an input for their execution.

BOBJ servers settings: in this option, you can define the server address, ports for BOBJ and provide a description. It is possible to specify several servers and also test directly the connection by clicking on Test connection.

Design studio settings:

  • Java bin path

Java is required to test documents that are saved on NetWeaver. It is necessary to specify in this field the path to your Java on the system. If a keyword shortcut for this path is created, you can enter this keyword in this field (usually "java").

  • Items per Page 

It is a property of the Design Studio BOBJ document, which ensures that during a test case execution the scrolling in a document table works properly. To obtain the value of this property, go to the BusinessObjects Central Management Console > Applications and in the context menu select the Design Studio Runtime > Manage Properties and copy the value of field Items Per Page into this setting.

Front end settings

Other settings:

These settings are advanced and should be changes only after a consultation with Datavard.

  • Wait time in logon dialog load

Time in seconds after every change of a window, which is used to detect correct logon dialogs and fill the required fields. This setting is currently relevant for BEx testing.

  • Technical log

Turns on/off technical logs, which provide more detailed information about the test case execution. This setting is currently relevant for Web Intelligence and available only as a specific setting of a test plan (see (DV-2002) Settings#Test plan specific settings)

  • HTML docs load timeout

How long (in seconds) excel should look for a particular HTML document. This setting is currently relevant for Web Intelligence and available only as a specific setting of a test plan (see (DV-2002) Settings#Test plan specific settings)

  • WEBI table load wait limit 

How long (in seconds) excel should wait to load a particular table in a HTML document. This setting is currently relevant for Web Intelligence and available only as a specific setting of a test plan (see (DV-2002) Settings#Test plan specific settings)

  • Log error if table not found

If a table isn't found in the output of the Web Intelligence report and this setting is switched to true, the variant execution ends with an error instead of a warning. This setting is currently relevant for Web Intelligence.

For settings recommendations see section (DV-2002) Settings Recommendations.

HP ALM Integration Settings

In the Datavard Validate HP ALM Integration settings tab, you can set the following values that are required for replication of Datavard Validate objects to HP ALM server: 

  • Connection settings
    • URL with port – URL path to HP ALM server together with port used for standard web browser connection to this server (usually 8080)
    • ALM domain – HP ALM domain where Datavard Validate objects will be replicated
    • ALM project – HP ALM project where Datavard Validate objects will be replicated
  • User settings
    • User name and password that exists in HP ALM server and is authorized to access ALM domain and project.
    • Password is optional and when it is entered, it is stored in a non-readable form. When no password is entered, you are prompted with a password pop-up when executing the replication.
  • Integration settings
    • Test case path – folder in HP ALM Test Plan area, where all Datavard Validate Test cases will be replicated
    • Test plan path – folder in HP ALM Test Lab area, where all Datavard Validate Test plans will be replicated
  • Status mapping
    • Table with all Datavard Validate Test case and Test plan statuses that can be mapped to HP ALM statuses (F4 help supported).

Connection settings, user settings and integration settings are saved as template with unique template name. Initially HP ALM Integration contains default template 'GLOBAL'. User can save another sets of settings as templates. Template can be user specific, which means it is available only to logged user who created it. Status mapping is independent from templates.

HP ALM Integration Settings 

Test plan specific settings

For Datavard Validate Backend Test Cases and Front End Test Cases you can set some settings specific for a given Test Plan, which will override general settings.

Supported test plan specific settings:

  • Backend 
    • all of backend settings are also available as test plan specific settings
  • Front End
    • User input allowed –  time for user input (in seconds)
    • HTML docs load timeout – time for load of HTML document (in seconds) – Web Intelligence exclusive setting
    • WEBI table load wait limit – time for load of table in HTML document (in seconds) – Web Intelligence exclusive setting
    • Technical log – turn on/off technical logs – Web Intelligence exclusive setting

Test Plan Specific Settings

Inside Datavard Validate Test Plan Specific Settings - backend settings

Front End Test Plan Specific Settings

Transport of settings

'Transport settings' button allows to prepare transport with necessary table content to transport settings of Datavard Validate so they can be automatically reapplied when system is refreshed. Checkbox 'Include test case dependent settings' gives option to include Test Case dependent settings. Test Case dependent settings contain object IDs which are necessary as internal number range for distinct identification of Test Cases and Test Variants. It is recommended to include test case dependent settings when system is going to be refreshed and previous Test Cases are going to be imported again to prevent object IDs overwriting. Transport request is created as transport of copies.

Transport settings preparation 

How to handle transport of test cases and settings:

1. Create transport of Test Cases which will be imported to system after refresh. Release transport.

2. Create transport of settings. Mark checkbox to include Test Case dependent settings. Release transport.

3. Refresh system and install Datavard Validate (KATE) again.

4. Import transport with settings.

5. Import transport with Test Cases.

There should not be performed any changes in test management between creation of transport of Test Cases and transport of settings. 

Do not make any changes in test managment (e.g. test case creation) after refresh of system until you import settings and Test Cases again.

Include of Test Case dependent settings is not necessary when you transport Test Cases and/or settings to different system.


Datavard Validate comes with the option to generate backend variants from custom ABAP programs. If you want to generate any backend variants Query/ListCube/DTP/Table/Drill Down from your own ABAP program, you can use Datavard Validate API classes available in /DVD/EQS_GEN package. Each of these classes contains one method 'Generate' that generates appropriate type of variant based on importing parameters supplied. 

Datavard Validate API for variants generation package

For each type of backend variant, a demo report also exists, which contains comments and example how these classes can be used to generate variants directly from ABAP.
/DVD/EQS_GEN_DRILL_VARIANTS – demo report for generation of Drill Down variants
/DVD/EQS_GEN_DTP_VARIANTS – demo report for generation of Transformation testing variants
/DVD/EQS_GEN_LISTCUBE_VARIANTS – demo report for generation of ListCube variants
/DVD/EQS_GEN_QUERY_VARIANTS – demo report for generation of Query variants
/DVD/EQS_GEN_TABLE_VARIANTS – demo report for generation of Table variants 


As in Datavard Validate Backend testing you can create snapshots of data from all the available system InfoProviders, queries and tables. For users therefore it is sometimes necessary to restrict their access to this information. 
Datavard Validate Backend testing provides three BADI Definitions that you can implement using your own logic to deny access to restricted data images. The following BADIs are available in package /DVD/EQS:

  • /DVD/EQS_BADI_AUTH_INFOPROV – BADI that restricts access to image data for ListCube, DrillDown and Transformation testing variants based on InfoProvider name.
  • /DVD/EQS_BADI_AUTH_QUERY – BADI that restricts access to image data for Query testing variants based on query technical name.
  • /DVD/EQS_BADI_AUTH_TABLE – BADI that restricts access to image data for Table testing variants based on DB table technical name.

In a BADI implementation class, the exception /DVD/CX_EQS_AUTH should be raised when a user is not allowed to review data of specific image. Per customer needs transport request with default authorization implementation can be delivered togather with release transports (see (DV-2002) Appendix A - DVD Authorization concept for more information). 

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