(BWFT-1808) /DVD/BWFT role content

Role /DVD/BWFT is part of installation transport of BW Fitness test for customer and should be assigned to user before FT execution. It contains list of authorization objects below.

Authorization ObjectDescription of objectAuthorization fieldValueDescription of field
S_TCODETransaction Code Check at Transaction StartTCD/DVD/BWFT, DB02, DB12, DB13, DB20, DB20ORA, DBACOCKPIT, ORA_SPACE, PFCG, RSA1, RSDDSTAT, SCI, SE11, SE16, SE37, SE38, SE80, SE93, SM04, SM21, SM36, SM37, SM50, SM51, SM59, SM66, SNOTE_DISPLAY, ST02, ST03, ST06, ST22, STAD, SU01, SU53Transaction Code
S_PROJECTProject Management: Project authorizationACTVT03Activity
APPL_COMP*Application component ID
PROJECT_ID*Project name
PROJ_CONF*Confidential activity flag
S_RFC_ADMAdministration for RFC DestinationACTVT03Activity
ICF_VALUE*Internet Communication Framewo
RFCDEST*Logical Destination (Specified
RFCTYPE*Type of Entry in RFCDES
S_ADMI_FCDSystem AuthorizationsS_ADMI_FCDAUDD, DBA, LC01, NADM, PADM, SM02, SM21, SP0R, ST0RSystem administration function
S_BTCH_ADMBackground Processing: Background AdministratorBTCADMINYBackground administrator ID
S_BTCH_JOBBackground Processing: Operations on Background JobsJOBACTION*Job operations
JOBGROUP*Summary of jobs for a group
S_CTS_ADMIAdministration Functions in Change and Transport SystemCTS_ADMFCTTABLAdministration Tasks for Chang
S_CTS_SADMSystem-Specific Administration (Transport)CTS_ADMFCTTABLAdministration Tasks for Chang
DESTSYS*Logical system
DOMAIN*TMS: Transport Domain
S_C_FUNCTC calls in ABAP programsACTVT16Activity
CFUNCNAMESYSTEMName of a CALLable C routine
PROGRAMRSHOST14Program Name with Search Help
S_DBCONDatabase MulticonnectACTVT03Activity
DBA_DBHOST*DBA Cockpit: Server Name
DBA_DBSID*DBA Cockpit: Database Name
DBA_DBUSER*Database User
S_GUIAuthorization for GUI activitiesACTVT02, 61Activity
S_RZL_ADMCCMS: System AdministrationACTVT03Activity
S_TABU_CLICross-Client Table MaintenanceCLIIDMAINT' 'Indicator for cross-client mai
S_TABU_DISTable Maintenance (via standard tools such as SM30)ACTVT03Activity
DICBERCLS*Table Authorization Group
S_TABU_NAMTable Access via Generic Standard ToolsACTVT03Activity
TABLE*Table Name
S_USER_AGRAuthorizations: Role CheckACTVT03Activity
S_USER_PROUser Master Maintenance: Authorization ProfileACTVT03Activity
PROFILET-ND160103Auth. profile in user master m
S_USER_VALAuthorizations: Field Values in RolesS_ADMI_FCDAUTH_FIELDField Name
STORAUTH_VALUEAuthorization Value
S_ADMI_FCDOBJECTAuthorization Object
S_COV_ADMCoverage Analyzer: AdministrationACTVT*Activity
S_DEVELOPABAP WorkbenchACTVT03, 16Activity
OBJNAME*Object name
OBJTYPE*Object Type
P_GROUP*Authorization group ABAP/4 pro
S_DOKU_AUTSE61 Documentation Maintenance AuthorizationDOKU_ACTFINAL_VERSEditing status
DOKU_DEVCL*Package for which docu. auth.
DOKU_MODE*Authorization to maintain, tra
P_GROUP*Authorization group ABAP/4 pro
S_TRANSLATTranslation environment authorization objectACTVT02Activity
TLANGUAGEENTarget language
TRANOBJLONGTranslation: Text type name
S_ALV_LAYOALV Standard LayoutACTVT23Activity
S_APPL_LOGApplications logACTVT03Activity
ALG_OBJECT*Application log: Object name (
ALG_SUBOBJ*Application Log: Subobject
S_RS_ADMWBData Warehousing Workbench - ObjectsACTVT03Activity
RSADMWBOBJWORKBENCHData Warehousing Workbench Obj
S_RS_DTPData Warehousing Workbench - Data Transfer ProcessACTVT03Activity
RSSTDTPSRC*Subtype of the Source
RSSTDTPTGT*Subtype of the Target
RSTLDTPSRC*Type of Source
RSTLDTPTGT*Type of Target
S_RS_TRData Warehousing Workbench - TransformationACTVT03Activity
RSSTTRSRC*Subtype of the Source
RSSTTRTGT*Subtype of the Target
RSTLOGOSRC*Type of Source
RSTLOGOTGT*Type of Target
ZDVRDataVard Reuse Library authorizationACTVT16Activity