(DV-1805) ERP Report Definition
The ERP Report Test Case is a collection of Report Test Variants. After you click on Variants button a screen for Report Variants selection is displayed.
Creation of ERP Report Test Case
ERP Test Case variant selection screen
Here you can create a new or add an existing Report Variants into an ERP Report Test Case. All these functions are accessible from toolbar menu.
Create New Report Variant
Screen for creating new Report Variant is displayed by clicking on the Create New Report Variant button (Ctrl + F3).
Create new Report Variant screen
In this screen you can define:
- RFC Destination – RFC destination that will be used for Report Variant execution.
- Variant Description – The description of the new Report Variant.
- Report (required) – Technical name of report to be used for image creation.
- Report Variant (ABAP Variant) – Variant of specified report to be used when the report is executed. These variants can be manage in transaction SE38.
- After Image Variant ID – ID of the Report Test Variant that is used for the after image creation. This allows you to compare the output of different Reports/Report Variants or outputs from different systems.
Report Test Variant is created after you click on the Continue button (Enter).
Validate creates before and after images from report execution spool. Only reports that create such spools when executed in background job should be used.
Add Existing Report Variant
The Add Existing Report Variant button displays all of the existing Report variants in the system and you can select one or more variants to be added into the current Test Case.
Add Report Variants of Run
The Add Report Variants of Run button displays all of the ERP Reports that have been run in the system and you can select one these variants to be added into the current test case.
Copy Report Variants of Run
Copy Variants
You can create copies of Report variants by selecting multiple variants in selection table and then clicking on
Copy Report Variants toolbar button. For each selected variant new variant is created with exactly same settings as source variant.
Copy Variants
Create After Images as copies
Select multiple variants and create after image variants for them. To access this functionality, right click on the selected variants and choose 'Create After Images as copies'. A dialog is then displayed where you can define the RFC destination that will be applied to all of the generated after image variants. All other settings are also copied from source variants.
Create After Image Variants as copies
Edit Report Variant
You can edit the existing Report variants by double clicking on them in the table view. Only Variants that are not already in use in Test Runs can be edited. If a Report Variant is already used in the Test Runs, then the details can only be reviewed, but not changed.
When variant details are displayed, you can check where this variant is used. By pressing the Where Used button a table is displayed that contains all Test Plan/Test Case/Run ID information where this variant is used.
Where Used List for Variant
Additional options available from (DV-1805) Variant Editor:
Variant editor
(DV-1805) Variant Editor provides a central location where you can manage all the backend-testing variants
Delete Report Variants
Deleting the existing Report Variants can be done easily by selecting the desired rows and clicking on the delete button in ALV toolbar.
Any Report Variants that are still in use in the Backend Testing will be locked; therefore it is first necessary to delete these Report Variants from the given runs (or specific runs) before proceeding in deleting them permanently from the Report Variant Editor (i.e. system).
Transport Report Variants
It is possible to add the specified Report Variants to a transport to be transferred to another system (with Validate installed). To specify which of the Report Variants are to be transported you need to select them from the list. There are options for filtering and sorting in the ALV table that can be used to select the specified Report Variants more easily.
Selecting Report Variants to be transported
After selecting the desired Report Variants and clicking on the Transport Report Variants button, choose your transport request. You can select the request and confirm the transport for the selected Report Variants.
It is important to note that the Report Variants only carry information about Validate related items, and not the transformation structures themselves so they should be imported only to system where Validate is installed and the same reports/variants with same structure exist.
Cleanup Report Variants
You can delete all unused Report variants by clicking on
Cleanup Report Variants button. First screen with preselection filters of variants is displayed and you can restrict which variants should be checked for deletion. After you confirm this screen, a check is done to find all unused variants. A variant is unused if it is not assigned to any Test Case or Test Run.
Report Variant Cleanup Preselection
All variants evaluated as not used are displayed in the dialog window. When you confirm the selection in this window variants are deleted from the system.