(DV-1805) Query Settings
(DV-1805) Query Settings
Query decimal places precision
- Number of decimal places to be displayed/compared in Query testing scenario. Possible values 0 to 14.
Run Queries in dialog
- If this option is set to 'X' Query Variants are executed in dialog processes. Running Query Variant in dialog enables queries to be parallelized. Note that it is not possible to run Query Variants in dialog through RFC.
Return formatted query values
- If this option is set to ‘X’ data returned by Query Variants will be saved and compared in their formatted form. Otherwise data are saved as unformatted.
Max. disp. Query row count
- Maximum lines to be displayed at one time in Query testing scenario 'Display results' steps
Query Relative Threshold
- Threshold value for Query output comparison. If there is a difference between Before and After image and the value is smaller than this threshold comparison is evaluated as correct. Possible values are float values greater than 0.
, multiple selections available,