(Glue-2408) Replication to Files

The replication of SAP data into files has a lot in common with standard data replication, described e.g. in SAP Table to Storage extraction. The same steps are required in order to execute the extraction. However, there are some differences in the way how the data and metadata are stored on file storage. In this chapter, we are going to focus on these differences.

In this section:

SNP Glue™ tables on file storage

As in the case of the standard SAP table to Storage scenario, the creation of the SNP Glue™ table is required before the extraction objects can be created. However, because the storage is file-based, there is no possibility to create a database table-like object in order to store data. Therefore, only metadata in JSON format is stored on the target storage during the SNP Glue™ table activation, describing the SNP Glue™ table. More information about the creation of the SNP Glue™ table on file storage can be found in the chapter Create SNP Glue™ Table on File Storage. You can also find more information about SNP Glue™ table metadata in the section JSON Metadata Structure.


During the extraction process itself, two types of files are created, These are data files and metadata files for extraction (SNP Glue™ request). The creation of the files is dependent on the settings defined within File Storage Options. In the next section, we are going to discuss the particular files and how they can be configured,

Data files

Default configuration

In the default configuration, the data file is created as a CSV file for each transferred package. Each data file has an iteration (package) number appended to its name and is stored in the destination defined by File Storage Options within the SNP Glue™ table. The data file naming can be configured using SNP Glue™ Settings - Binary Storage settings using the parameter Binary data file name.

One file extraction enabled

In case One file extraction is enabled within the SNP Glue™ table, the iteration (package) number is not included within the filename, resulting in the extraction into one file. However, two different extractions will create two files, depending on SNP Glue™ Settings - Binary Storage settings. Also, this option cannot be combined with the Compress file.

File compression enabled

If you use the Compress file options, the data files will be compressed during extraction before being transferred to the target storage. The structure of the file will remain in CSV format. However, this file will be compressed and stored as a GZIP file on target storage.

Handling of empty data files

In the default configuration, if extraction reads 0 lines from the source object (e.g. empty delta load), no data file is transferred to the target storage. However, it is possible to customize this behavior using SNP Glue™ Settings - Binary Storage settings using the parameter Generate CSV data file for empty load. If empty data files are enabled, even an empty load will create a data file on target storage, respecting other settings of the SNP Glue™ table (e.g. Include table header).

Metadata files

Similar to SNP Glue™ tables, each extraction to file storage generates a metadata file in JSON format, describing the extraction in technical details.

JSON Example

{ "GlueRequest" :{ "Request" :"116123", "Status" :"S", "GlueTable" :"ZGLUE_TABLE", "ContainerPath" :"", "Extractor" :"ZGLUE_TABLE_P", "UserName" :"MSIMASEK", "StartTime" :"20200715135945.0694020", "FinishTime" :"20200715135948.2475040", "LinesRead" :"1000", "LinesTransferred" :"1000", "JobName" :"ZDVD_GLUEZGLUE_TABLE_P", "JobCount" :"15594400", "DeltaType" :"FULL", "LoadType" :"F" } }

Attributes explanation

The extraction metadata are encapsulated within a single JSON object with a single attribute called GlueRequest. This named attribute is a JSON object as well and contains the following information about SNP Glue™ extraction:

  • Request: Number of the SNP Glue™ request associated with this extraction.

  • Status: Single character status of extraction.

    • E: Ended with an error.

    • S: Ended Successfully.

    • F: Failed.

  • GlueTable: Name of the target SNP Glue™ table.

  • ContainerPath: Path to a container (location) on file storage.

  • Extractor: Technical name of the SNP Glue™ extraction process that is used for the extraction.

  • UserName: SAP user that executed the extraction.

  • StartTime: Timestamp when extraction started.

  • FinishTime: Timestamp when extraction finished.

  • LinesRead: Number of records that were read from the source object.

  • LinesTransferred: Number of records transferred to the target storage.

  • JobName: Technical name of an SAP background job that processed the extraction.

  • JobCount: Numeric identifier of an SAP background job that processed the extraction.

  • Truncate: Represents checkbox “Truncate Target“ from the SNP Glue™ Extraction screen.

  • DeltaType: Delta used for reading the data from the source object.

  • LoadType: Single character identificator of extraction load type.

    • I: Delta Init Without Data.

    • L: Delta Init + Full Load.

    • D: Delta Load.

    • F: Full Load (Repair) Without Delta Update.

If the execution type was Mass Execution, there will be two more attributes in the JSON:

  • Mass execution ID: RunID of mass execution.

  • Mass execution portion: Representing a portion of mass execution (for example 6/8).

Metadata files configuration

With the default configuration, one metadata file is created for each SNP Glue™ request transferred to storage. Using the default configuration, the metadata JSON files are stored within the same location as defined in the File Storage Options.

The name of the metadata files is defined and can be configured via SNP Glue™ Settings - Binary Storage Settings using the parameter Binary request metadata file name.

Also, the generation of the JSON metadata files for empty loads can be switched on/off via SNP Glue™ Settings - Binary Storage Settings using the parameter Generate JSON metadata file for empty load. If set on (default value = X) the JSON metadata will be generated and transferred to target storage even for extraction, which reads 0 records from the source object (e.g. empty delta load). If switched off, no metadata will be generated and transferred for such loads.