(DV-2405) Design Studio Execution & Backend

(DV-2405) Design Studio Execution & Backend

Design Studio Test Case Execution

When a Design Studio Test case is added to the Test Plan a new Test Run is automatically created. The Test Run has a generated Run ID and the description holds the technical name of the Test Plan. All of the Design Studio Variants selected during the creation of the Design Studio Test Case are automatically added to the Variant selection. By clicking on  Execute, the screen for the standard Design Studio Testing scenario is displayed. 

Design Studio Testing screen

Design Studio Testing contains the following steps:

  1. Select Design Studio Variants
  2. Download Before Image
  3. Download After Image
  4. Compare Before and After Image
  5. Display results

You have the option to check the variant in the Web browser, you can click on the hyperlink or you can copy the document link to the clipboard.

Design Studio Testing screen – Hyperlink or clipboard click

Select Design Studio Variants

Variants that have the status Untested are selected by default. However, it is possible to select the variants to be used during each step.

Design Studio Testing screen – Select Variants

You have to select at least one variant to execute. 

For the execution of the TC variant from the BOBJ document, it is necessary to fill correct value for the document property Items per page in SNP Validate Settings – tab Front End Settings.

Download Before image 

All of the selected variants are executed by clicking on the Before/Source Image button in the toolbar or on the execute button  on the right side of the folder. It is possible to execute a single variant by using the execute button located on the right side of each variant.

Download After image 

By clicking on the After/Target Image button in the toolbar or the execute button  on the right side of the folder, all of the selected variants are then executed. It is possible to execute a single variant, by using the execute button on the right side of each variant. 
Before the first run of every Run ID, a popup window for the login to the portal page is displayed. The login can also be done manually by clicking on Goto > Open IE Portal in the Menu bar. This action is necessary because when there is no IE window with the portal web page open before execution, it may cause issues.

Log in to the portal page 

Compare Before and After image 

By clicking on the Execute Comparison button in the toolbar or on the execute button  on the right side of the folder, all of the selected variants in the before and after images are compared.

Reset all errors 

When you click on the Results button in the toolbar all of the Error or Warning statuses are reset to Untested. You can also find a reset button  on the right side of each variant allowing you to reset a single variant.

Display results 

By clicking the Results button in the toolbar or double-clicking on  in the Web Template Testing screen, the results are displayed.

Design studio Display results 

All variants and their active analysis are displayed on the screen. Double-click on the table name to see additional information about the document table and the data is displayed on the right side of the screen.

Design Studio Display results – Documents and active tables 

In addition, error variants can be easily displayed by clicking on the Errors results button in the toolbar .

Design Studio Display results – Comparison results

If they are differences in comparison, then these are marked with a red color.
The Output can be displayed also in Full-screen mode or in Union screen mode.

Display results in full-screen mode

Display results union screen mode 

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