(DV-2405) Transformations Definition

(DV-2405) Transformations Definition

DTP Test Case Definition

You can add existing and create new DTP Variants into DTP Test Case. All functions are accessible from the toolbar menu. Once you click on the Variants button and the screen for the ListCube Variants selection is displayed. 

Creation of DTP Test Case

DTP Test Case variants selection

Create New DTP Variant 

The Screen for creating a new DTP Variant is displayed by clicking on the Create New DTP Variant button (Shift + F7). 

Create new DTP Variant screen

In this screen you can define:

  1. RFC Destination: RFC destination that is to be used for the DTP Variant execution. When the RFC destination is specified, in the Transformation field, the F4 help displays the values for the RFC destination.
  2. Variant Description: Description of the new DTP Variant.
  3. Transformation route (required): Technical name of the transformations on top of which the DTP is to be generated. The transformation route consists of a single transformation directly from the source to the target or several transformations forming the route from source to target that are connected through InfoSources. Transformations have to be set in order from source to target. Only transformations with the source of type InfoCube, DataSource, SPO, and DSO is supported. Last or only transformation with target type InfoCubes, DSOs and WODSs is supported in the current version of SNP Validate.
  4. After image variant: If a different DTP variant is specified for the after image then this will be used as the source for the after image data. Therefore its own DTP is generated and is also used for the load execution.

The DTP Variant is created after you click on the Continue button (Enter).

Add Existing DTP Variant 

All existing DTP variants in the system are displayed and you can select one or more variants that are to be added to the current test case.

Add DTP Variants of Run 

Choose a DTP Test run that all variants to be added to the current DTP Test Case.

Copy DTP Variants of Run 

Choose a DTP Test run if you want all of the variants to be copied into the current DTP Test Case.

Add Variants of Test Case 

Choose a DTP Test Case if you want all of the variants to be added to the current DTP Test Case.

Copy Variants of Test Case 

Choose a DTP Test Case that you want all variants to be added to the current DTP Test Case as copies.

Create After Images as copies

Select multiple variants and create after image variants for them. To access this functionality, in the context menu choose selected variants and then choose Create After Images as copies. A Dialog is then displayed where you can define the RFC destination that will be applied to all generated after image variants. All other settings are copied from source variants.

Create After Image Variants as copies

Copy Variants

You can create copies of DTP variants by selecting multiple variants in the selection table and then clicking on  Copy DTP Variants toolbar button. For each selected variant a new variant is created with exactly the same settings as the source variant. If the copied source variant has a different after image variant specified, a copy of this will also be created. The copied after image variant is then assigned to the copied source variant as its after image variant. 

Copy Variants

Edit DTP Variant

You can edit the existing DTP variants by double-clicking on them in the table view, only Variants that are not already in use in Test Runs can be edited. If a DTP Variant is already used in the Test Runs, then the details can only be reviewed but not changed. 
When variant details are displayed you can check where this variant is used. By pressing the Where Used  button table is displayed that contains all Test Plan/Test Case/Run ID information where this variant is used.

Where Used List for Variant

Mass Edit Variants

You can edit more DTP variants at once. Mass edit is performed by selecting the variants in the list and clicking on Mass Edit Variants  button, a dialog for mass editing the selected variants is displayed. 

Mass Edit Of DTP Variants

You can define new values for the before, the after image, and the RFC destination. Change of values is done after clicking on the Continue (Enter) button. By marking the 'Edit' checkbox only the values, which you want to be changed will be replaced in selected variants. If the DTP variant has a different After Image specified, then only the After Image parameters will be replaced in that variant, as nothing else needs to be updated with the changes. Only variants that are not yet used in test runs can be changed by mass edit.

Additional options available from (DV-2405) Variant Editor:

Variant editor

(DV-2405) Variant Editor provides a central location where you can manage all the backend-testing variants.

Delete DTP Variants

Deleting the existing DTP Variants can be done easily by selecting the desired rows and clicking on the delete button in the ALV toolbar. 

Any DTP Variants that are still in use in the Backend Testing will be locked; therefore it is first necessary to delete these DTP Variants from the given runs (or specific runs) before proceeding in deleting them permanently from the DTP Variant Editor.

Transport DTP Variants

It is possible to add the specified DTP Variants to a transport to be transferred to another system (with SNP Validate installed). To specify which of the DTP Variants are to be transported you need to select from the list as shown in the next picture. There are options for filtering and sorting in the ALV table that can be used to select the specified DTP Variants more easily. 

Selecting DTP Variants to be transported

After selecting the desired DTP Variants and clicking on the  Transport DTP Variants button, choose your transport request. You can select the request and confirm the transport for the selected DTP Variants. 
It is important to note that the DTP Variants only carry information about SNP Validate-related items, and not the transformation structures themselves so they should be imported only to the system where SNP Validate is installed and the same transformations with the same structure exist.

Cleanup DTP Variants

You can delete all unused DTP variants by clicking on  Cleanup DTP Variants button. The First screen with preselection filters of variants is displayed where you can restrict which variants should be marked for deletion. After you confirm this screen, a check is done to find the unused variants. A variant is unused if it is not assigned to any Test Case or Test Run. If a variant is used in other variants as after image variant and that variant is used in any Test Case or Test Run it is evaluated as used on not presented for deletion. 

DTP Variant Cleanup Preselection

All variants evaluated as not used are then displayed in the dialog window. When you confirm the selection in this window, variants are deleted from the system. 

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