(SM-2405) Azure SQL Managed Identity
This page describes the steps needed to activate Azure SQL Managed Identity, which can be used to access the referenced Blob storage container for BULK INSERT operation.
Activating System assigned managed identity
In the Azure portal, navigate to SQL servers, and select the SQL server governing the designated SQL database:
Navigate to section Identity and turn System assigned managed identity On:
Granting access to the Blob container
Switch to the Blob container which is to be used for the data transfer and select Access Control IAM:
Choose Role Assignments
Click Add → Add role assignment
In Role selection, choose Storage Blob Data Contributor
In the Members tab, Assign access to: Managed identity and via the Select members link
select the correct SQL server
Click the buttons Select and Review + assign to finalize the role assignment.
When the assignment is complete, it is visible in the Notifications: