(Glue 2402) SNP Glue™ Queue Consumer

SNP Glue™ Queue Consumer stores data in a Queue object cluster table in a byte string form. This enables saving data from the source in the fastest way. Later on, this data can be read using the SNP Glue™ Queue Fetcher. For more information about the use of Queue Consumer, see the chapter "Heavy lifting" extraction in common scenarios.

Creation of SNP Glue™ Queue Consumer

Perform the steps outlined in How to Create a Consumer Object with the option SNP Glue™ Queue Consumer under the Component implementation dropdown of step 4.

Activation of SNP Glue™ Queue Consumer

After creation, the object is in the saved state. For activation, all mandatory inputs need to be filled in.

  • SNP Glue™ Queue objects

    • Name of the Queue object from which we are going to read data

    • Provided with F4 help

SNP Glue™ Queue

Upon execution of an extraction process, the data is written to the Queue cluster table.

Merge operation

Some types of tabular storages support inserting the delta data using the merge operation.