(Glue 2402) Extraction of SAP Table

In the simplest scenario of SAP table replication, there are four components forming each of the replication processes: Glue Table, SAP Table fetcher, Glue Table consumer, and Extraction Process. These four components represent a configuration – setting up the source object, the target object, and transformation rules. Following steps navigate you through the preparation of the whole flow – creating all required objects and executing the load.

Creating Glue table:

  1. Run transaction /DVD/GLUE.

  2. Click on the Data Dictionary button.

  3. Enter the name of a new table and click Create. You can enter the description of the table.

  4. Under the Attributes tab fill in the Storage ID (for binary storages you must fill in the File storage options, too).

Attributes tab


5. Under the Fields tab, GLREQUEST with data type: DEC, length: 30, dec places: 0 is automatically added.

6. Under the Fields tab click on Import Fields, choose From table, and fill in the table's name. The structure from the source SAP table will be imported. You can manually adjust the fields as required.

Import fields


7. Click on the Add change time button. This action will add the field GLCHANGETIME with data type: DEC, length: 21, dec places: 7.

Fields tab


8. Click on the Save button. If the table was not saved before, the system will ask you to fill in the Package. If you have a development package created upfront designated for SNP Glue development, you can use that package. Otherwise, for isolated sandbox purposes, $TMP will do.

9. Click on the Activate button. Only after you activate the SNP Glue table, it is created on storage.

Creating SAP table Fetcher

  1. Run transaction /DVD/GLUE.

  2. Click on the Object Navigator button.

  3. In the context menu(right-click) of the desired package select Create Extractor 2.0 object.

  4. A pop-up appears. Enter the name of the new Fetcher in the Object name.

  5. Select SAP Table Fetcher in the Component type dropdown and confirm the pop-up.

Creating Fetcher


6. Fill the SAP table with the required SAP table name and press ENTER. For a basic scenario, we will leave the Delta type to FULL. Further options can be found in the documentation.

7. The fields from the SAP table will be added to the part Filter definition. If you want to load data with a selection (filter on some fields), check the checkbox in column Selection for these fields.


8. Click on the Activate button to activate the Fetcher.

Creating Consumer

  1. Run the transaction /DVD/GLUE.

  2. Click on the Object Navigator button.

  3. In the context menu of the desired package, select the option Create Extractor 2.0 object.

Creating Consumer


3. Enter the name of the new Consumer in the Object name and select Consumer under the Component type dropdown and the GLUE table consumer under the Component implementation dropdown.

4. Confirm the pop-up.

5. After creation, the object is in the saved state. Fill in the Glue table name and press ENTER.



6. Click on the Activate button to activate the Consumer.

Creating Extraction Process

  1. Run the transaction /DVD/GLUE.

  2. Open Object Navigator.

  3. In the context menu of the desired package, select the option Create Extractor 2.0 object.

  4. Enter the name of the new Extraction Process under the Object name.

  5. Select Extraction Process under the Component type dropdown and under the Component implementation dropdown.

Creating Extraction Process


6. Confirm pop-up.

7. Insert the Fetcher name and Consumer name created in the steps before and press ENTER.

8. Suggest transformation mapping button in the toolbar. The mapping between target and source fields is now created in a 1:1 fashion. Further options for modification of the rules are described in the documentation. 

Extraction Process


9. Click on the Activate button to activate the Extraction process.

Executing Extraction Process

  1. Click on the Execute button.

Execution of Extraction Process


2. Execute(F8) the replication with default settings. Select Background and Immediate in upcoming pop-ups for scheduling SAP jobs.