(DV-2311) SAP Report Variant Generator

Report variant generator allows you to create multiple variants for a specific report:

  • Variant generator setup

  1. Source report name: Represents the name of a report on a source system

  2. Target report name: Represents the name of a report on a target system

  3. Source RFC: Name of a source system (If the current system is intended to be used, the field can stay empty)

  4. Target RFC: Name of a target system


  • After the initial setup, we can prepare variants for a specific report to be generated


  1. Variant description: Variant description has a maximum length of 30 characters. In the description, you can type the name of a parameter in ‘<' '>' signs (e.g. <P_CARRID>). This will ensure that the value specified for this parameter will be taken and set in the placeholder.

  2. Group ID: In this column, you can specify a unique identification that will represent a variant (e.g. ‘1' is the identification of the first variant of a report, '2’ is the identification of the second variant of a report). You can see that this column can be also empty. With an empty group ID, two options can occur:

    1. All entries have empty group ID: With this option, we take this as all entries are one variant

    2. Some entries have filled group IDs and some entries have empty group IDs: This means that the entries with empty group IDs will be added to all other entries with filled group IDs, with a consequence of empty group ID being removed from ALV.

  3. Selection Field Name: Name of a selection field parameter.

  4. Value: With this button, you can specify values for the selection field parameter.

  5. Per value: If the Per Value is checked, a new variant will be created for every value entry specified for this selection field parameter (e.g. P_CARRID has two value entries specified and per value is checked, which means that for each value entry, a new variant will be generated).

  • Additional Settings

  1. Field mapping: Specification of field mapping between systems.

  2. Variant deletion: Deletion of already generated variants for a specific report. Deletion can be also performed with the name of a variant containing wildcards (e.g. SNP_VAL_0006* will delete all variants of a report starting with ‘SNP_VAL_0006’).