(Glue-2305) SNP Glue™ Profile Settings

You can open SNP Glue™ Profile Settings from the SNP Glue™ Settings screen by clicking on the icon Profile settings (Ctrl+Shift+F3), as shown in the screenshot below. You can also do it simply by running the transaction /DVD/GL_SETT_PROFILE.

The SNP Glue™ profile settings screen is divided into two parts. The left part is devoted to the creation and modification of the Profiles and on the right part, the user can create and modify Profile mapping.


A profile represents settings from the (Glue-2305) Create SNP Glue™ table on File storage and (Glue-2305) SNP Glue™ Settings. The profile can be used in the Profile mapping or directly for a specific SNP Glue™ table.

Detail information about placeholders that could be used is described in the table (Glue-2305) SNP Glue™ Settings.

In the Profiles part, the user will always have a DVD_DEFAULT profile provided by SNP. This profile cannot be modified or deleted. Settings in the DVD_DEFAULT profile are recommended for standard work with the SNP Glue™ table on file storage.

Settings of the profile can be displayed by double-clicking on the name of the Profile in the ALV.

Editing of the existing profile can be executed by displaying of desired profile and clicking on the button Edit ↔︎ Display (Crtl+F1) in the ALV toolbar.

Creation of the new profile is possible via the button New (Ctrl+Shift+F1) in the ALV toolbar. After clicking on this option a new Profile will be created with prefilled inputs except for the Profile name from DVD_DEFAULT Profile. All the settings can be edited. The Profile name and Delimiter inputs are mandatory.

For easier creation of the new profiles, the Copy functionality can be used by selecting already existing ones from the context menu in the ALV. After choosing this option all inputs are prefilled except the Profile name.

Saving of the new or changed profile can be done by standard SAP Save (Crtl+S) functionality in the main screen toolbar.

Delete functionality can be used by selecting a desired profile from the context menu in the ALV and confirming the following popup. In the popup text, there will be information about the usage of the profile and automatic actions which will be executed after the confirmation.

Profile mapping

A profile mapping defines which profile will be used for the extraction when in the (Glue-2305) Create SNP Glue™ table on File storage the Storage/global default profile option is chosen. When profile mapping with STORAGE type is defined for the specific StorageID mapped profile in the definition will be used, otherwise, the profile in the GLOBAL profile mapping type will be used.

In the Profile mapping part, the user will always have a GLOBAL mapping type which will be by default used when STORAGE mapping type for specific StorageID is not defined. Mapping with GLOBAL type cannot be deleted or copied but mapped profile can be changed.

Mapping can be displayed by double-clicking on the row in the Profile mapping ALV.

Editing of the existing mapping can be executed by displaying a desired profile of mapping and clicking on the button Edit ↔︎ Display (Crtl+F2) in the ALV toolbar.

Creation of the new mapping is possible via the button New (Ctrl+Shift+F2) in the ALV toolbar. After clicking on this option new mapping of the STORAGE type can be created. All inputs are mandatory.

For easier creation of the new mapping, the Copy functionality can be used by selecting an already existing one from the context menu. After choosing this option all inputs are prefilled except the ID.

Saving the new or changed mapping can be done by standard SAP Save (Crtl+S) functionality in the main screen toolbar.

Delete functionality can be used by selecting the desired mapping from the context menu in the ALV and confirming the following popup.


Transporting Profile settings

In order to transport SNP Glue™ Profile settings into a target system, you need to perform actions within the transaction /DVD/GLTR. More information can be found in the chapter Standard transport.

Apply storage mapping

Action on the target system after request activation is applying the Storage mapping. This action can be also executed manually in the Profile settings screen by choosing Tools -> Apply stor. mapping (Ctrl+Shift+F4). Confirm the following popup.