(Glue-2211) SAP Table Fetcher

The SAP Table Fetcher uses an SAP table as a data source. For data read provide multiple Delta types and Load types. It also supports the filtering of selected data.

Creation of an SAP Table Fetcher

Perform the steps outlined in How to Create a Fetcher Object with SAP Table Fetcher as the option selected under the Component implementation the dropdown of step 4.

Activation of an SAP Table Fetcher

After creation, the object is in the saved state.

Mandatory inputs to be filled in before the activation

  • SAP Table
    • name of SAP table for data read
    • provided with F4 help
  • Delta type
    • a dropdown menu with all available delta types
    • for more information see Delta type

Optional inputs before the activation

  • Selection
    • checkbox for each field of the SAP table that allows you to mark them relevant for selection before the extraction

  • Read all clients
    • checkbox to fetch data from the SAP table for all clients
    • table has to have MANDT field

Authorization required

Read all clients functionality can be used only when it is enabled in SNP Glue™ settings and also in authorization objects used by SNP Glue™. For more information check Custom SNP Glue™ Authorizations and SNP Glue™ Settings.

Changes to Load type and Selection parameters won't deactivate Fetcher, only Extraction processes will be deactivated. This will preserve data for delta (if there is some).

Delta type

The SAP Table Fetcher provides multiple delta types:

Trigger delta type for SAP Table Fetcher 

For general information about this delta type see Trigger delta.

Trigger state

On activation of the SAP Table Fetcher with delta type TRIGGER, the saving of newly added records is not automatically turned on (mentioned in the link above).
There are two ways to do this:

  • execute extraction with any Load type except the basic Full Load (Repair) Without Delta Update
  • manually activate triggers through the use of the Trigger Management functionality accessible via the Manage Trigger button

The state of the trigger is also displayed next to Manage Trigger button. There are 3 different states in which the trigger can be: Active, Inactive, Inconsistent (can be repaired by reactivation of the trigger in Trigger Management).

Trigger delta additional settings

  • Read deleted entries - when this is checked, also the keys of entries that were deleted since the last extraction will be read after entries that were inserted or updated. With this setting, only the key fields can be marked for the Selection
  • Deduplicate deleted entries - deleted entries, for which there were any inserts after the deletion, won't be transferred (not supported for cluster tables)

Trigger delta for Database Views

SAP Table Fetcher also supports trigger delta for Database Views. For this scenario to work, it is required to specify the trigger table name.

It must be one of the tables that is part of the Database View. It is strongly advised to have all key fields of the trigger table name in the output of the Database View. Otherwise, it might lead to a situation, where an excessive amount of data is replicated to the target storage. This is due to the fact that one entry in the shadow table might be translated into multiple entries from the Database View due to missing key fields in the output of the Database View.

Trigger delta for tables with compatibility view in place

If the trigger table name is filled with the name of a table, which uses compatibility view, a pop-up will be shown. The pop-up window provides an option for the user, whether the compatibility view should be used instead of the original table. In case the user wants to use the compatibility view, it is required to specify the trigger table name. Otherwise, the original table will be used as the trigger table name and this table won´t be considered as a view.