(SP38) Browser
The OutBoard Browser offers an overview of data from InfoProviders in relation to their data archiving.
The Object Browser can be seen below:
OutBoard Object Browser
By expanding the Object Name node, individual requests can be seen:
Expanded Objects in OutBoard Browser
Column Headings in OutBoard Object Browser
Change Log/ PSA
Please note that for ADSO there are only display functionalities available in the OutBoard Browser.
Information about individual fields:
Object Name | Description and technical name of the InfoProvider, PSA, or Change Log |
Technical name | System name of the Object |
Created | Date of the archiving request creation |
Time | Time of the archiving request creation |
Status | Status of the archiving request can be: INACTIVE Inactive/ Released into verification phase ACTIVE data is available INVALID request deleted - these requests are not visible in the Browser anymore CREATED request is created data is being copied CANCELED copying was canceled CLOSED copying is finished |
Selection | Selection that was used for the request in archiving |
Data | OutBoarded data can be shown as a table in Archive viewer when clicking on the icon in this column |
Count of rows | Number of rows contained in a request |
Archived size | Size of the table in the external database when the NLS data are on external storage. |
Unpacked size | Displays the original size of the request. If the information is not available try recalculating the compression ratio by selecting the “Calculate compression ratio” when selecting from the context menu of the object. |
Space saved (KB) | The difference between archived size and unpacked size, which can then be allocated to where it is needed. |
Space saved (%) | How compressed the data really is. A higher compression ratio typically means more money saved; however, a higher compression ratio can also mean longer data processing as the data needs to be uncompressed. When the data is archived into external storage, there should be a value: 100%. |
Storage Cost Saving (EUR/Month) | Amount of money saved based on the money coefficient provided earlier. The unit of measurement is determined by the parameter CURRENCY. |
The OutBoard Object Browser allows the user to access RSA1 - (F6 - below) and RSDAP - (F7).
Viewing the number of entries
The toolbar in the OutBoard Object Browser provides several functionalities for working with the data displayed. The fields, from left to right, stand for:
(F2) Refresh |
(F5) Filter |
(F6) Data Warehousing Workbench – RSA1 |
(F7) Edit Data Archiving Process – RSDAP |
(Shift + F2) Edit InfoCube – RSDCUBE |
(Shift + F6) Display Archived and Unpacked Size |
(F9) Export data to Microsoft Excel |
(Shift + F7) Create DAP for PSA or Change Log |
(Shift + F1) Documentation |
(Shift + F4) Display statistics |
(Shift + F5) Change display of requests – only request with selected type will be visible |
(Ctrl + F11) Switch to storage view - It is possible to see the icon Storage update. Column headings are different, now you can see Storage ID, its status, Logs and Storage update messages. |
(Crtls + F9) It is possible to change the storage you have chosen during the Data Archiving Process creation |
Column Headings in OutBoard Object Browser - Storage view
If the user attempts to update the storage of requests that are already under storage update, a warning about possible data loss in case of pop-up confirmation is displayed.
Similar to standard SAP functionality, within the OutBoard browser, it is now possible to view the number of entries.
Filter (F5)
OutBoard Browser Filter
The filter allows you to select objects according to the criteria listed. Simply type in the criteria and click “Execute” (F8). Multiple selections are also supported. When starting the OutBoard Browser and more than 50 archiving objects are to be shown, you will be asked by default if a filter is wanted.
Object Type – which type of object is to be used. Possible values: CUBE, PSA, ODSO, and CHLG.
OutBoard Browser Filter
Object types in OutBoard Browser Filter
Export Data to Microsoft Excel (F9)
Export Data to Microsoft Excel
In OutBoard Browser it is possible to export data to Microsoft Excel. Filter(F5) the Objects, the ones with Data you want to export, and click on the icon and save it into your Computer. It is possible to choose as many as you want. Data will be saved in XML format.
Export data
To view the data, just open the .XML document in the chosen destination folder.
PSAs and Change Logs
For proper management of temporary data (such as PSAs and ChangeLogs), a Housekeeping solution: ERNA has been developed.
DAP button
Press the DAP button, PSAs, and Change Logs can be archived from inside the OutBoard Browser.
Selecting the PSA or Change Log
To create a Data Archiving Process for PSA, select “PSA DAP” and complete the DataSource. The DataSource can be selected from the list of DataSources in the system (F4) and the Source System is filled in automatically.
After creating the Data Archiving process either for PSA or Change Log the object is added to the OutBoard Browser. It can be archived by choosing the Object from the context menu, selecting "Archive Table"
Archiving the PSA or Change Log
Archiving can be done by Date (absolute or relative) or by Request. When "Archive by Request" is selected, a request from the system has to be chosen (F4).
Reload Request
After choosing the object from the context menu and selecting "Reload all Requests", all data is reloaded from an object to the system.
Reload all Requests
The PSA DAP is kept. By selecting "Delete DAP" the DAP can be deleted. By selecting "Display Details", the details of the selected object can be seen. For viewing the Logs for the selected object the "Display Logs" must be selected. The compression ratio can be recalculated by selecting the "Calculate compression ratio" or calling report /DVD/NLS_CALC_CONV_RATIO.
Field selection for Index
Field selection
The field selection functionality allows you to select fields according to which the indexes in the storage table will be created. Searching on selected fields will be faster however archiving will be slower.
For InfoCubes the time characteristics are selected by default. For DSO Objects the time characteristics and key fields are selected by default. It is recommended to have a maximum of 20 fields selected. Indexes can be rebuilt (deleted and recreated) by calling running "Rebuild selected indexes" (Shift + F6) or running the report /DVD/NLS_REBUILD_CONT in TA SE38. The OutBoard index can be rebuilt based on the InfoProvider name or for a concrete archiving request.
Field selection for Index
Field selection for InfoProviders
The Field selection can be easily edited by selecting particular fields and saved by using the Save button.
Select all “Selection Fields“ | Transport indexes Definition |
Deselect all “Selection Fields“ | Rebuild Indexes |
When new data is added to the NLS archive of an InfoProvider, the Indexes will be updated and used.
Parallel rebuild of Outboard for Analytics indexes
Parallel rebuild of indexes
A parallel rebuild of indexes is available. Now the user may define the number of parallel tasks that will be running for Index rebuild, as well as time restrictions.
TA: SE38 |
The user can also define what should happen with OutBoard indexes that are already built on an InfoProvider. By running report /DVD/NLS_REBUILD_CONT – Select Request for rebuilding indexes the user may choose between Refresh or Rebuild.
- Refresh option means that new and old indexes will be created from scratch – (older indexes are deleted first).
- Rebuild option means that before running the rebuild functionality, a check for all changes in "Field selection" is executed and only fields that were changed will be rebuilt.
Select Request for rebuilding indexes
Relevant settings for OutBoard Indexes rebuild:
INDEX_PAR_BUILD – number of parallel tasks that can be running at the same time
Secondary indexes
Before speaking about Secondary indexes it is important to remind the logic for reading NLS data. Upon archiving, the SELECTs on archived DSOs need to be adjusted in order to read the archived data. In this case, the SELECT formula reading archived DSO needs to be rewritten using the NLS lookup API method (refer to the documentation part for NLS lookup).
The archived data is stored in the NLS archive, in NLS packages. For these packages usually, there are defined standard OutBoard indexes (/dv1/in* or /bic/in* OutBoard tables), for most cases, this is sufficient to reduce the amount of NLS packages that need to be uncompressed when accessing the NLS data. However, in some cases, these indexes are not enough, e.g. when using an object in filters with really high cardinality (such as 0material or 0doc_number).
Secondary Indexes
OutBoard secondary indexes may improve performance significantly, especially in cases where the archived data are accessed and filtered on such objects. The OutBoard Secondary indexes are rebuilt during all data operations that change archived data, such as: archiving of new data, partial and full data reload, drop of archived data, deletion of DAP, adjusting data in the archive when using NLS Writer, etc…
After the Secondary index is defined; you can check the performance improvement during the access to NLS data. NLS Secondary indexes usage needs to be allowed beforehand via the OutBoard Settings and the needed Secondary indexes have to be built.
As of OutBoard for Analytics SP21 release, Secondary indexes are available for OutBoard without Storage Management, too.
Storage for Secondary indexes
Standard OutBoard index can be stored only in the primary database. In comparison to the OutBoard Secondary index, which can also be stored in an external (transparent) database as a transparent table. In the OutBoard settings, the first step is to define the storage that is going to be used for storing the secondary index tables:
Defining the storage for Secondary Indexes
When the storage is defined, it can be used when the Secondary index is created. In the current release, only external databases of type DB2 and ORACLE are supported. For an Oracle database the most suitable transparent storage should have the connection mode M (massive insert into external Oracle database):
Secondary indexes
The secondary indexes can be created from the OutBoard Browser -> context menu of the archived InfoProvider. If not available, contact your consultant to allow this functionality in your environment (parameter INDEX_SEC_ALLOWED):
Secondary Indexes via Outboard Browser
A secondary index can be created in a Cluster or in any other connected transparent storage: Oracle, DB2 and consists of two tables - /DV1/SEC* and /DV1/REC*. The "SEC" table is the header table and its number of rows is equal to the number of combinations of the selected fields for the secondary index. The "REC" table number of rows is equal to the number of rows in the archive.
To view secondary index (SEC and REC tables) created other than primary database use report /DVD/SM_DATA_BROWSER via transaction SE38. This report allows you to check the number of rows in a specific table and its data based on selection. Secondary index tables for the index created in the primary database the content can be viewed in SE16.
Please note that deleting the SEC* table after archive reload only works if secondary indexes are built on primary storage.
Otherwise, the SEC* table remains filled with data, even after a complete archive reload. In order to clear the SEC* table, you need to delete the corresponding secondary index.
In the next screen you can see the already created secondary Indexes and can also maintain new indexes:
Creating new and maintaining indexes
To create a new index or delete an already created one, use the buttons at the top of the screen (as above). After the user chooses to create a new secondary index, the following screen will appear:
Creating a new Secondary index
Here the user can choose the objects to be used for Secondary Index and confirm (at the bottom of the screen). Afterward, the order of objects for the Secondary Index can be changed, in order to have the Secondary index created in the same order as the objects are used in the lookup:
Change the order of indexes
In the next screen the storage for the SI can be chosen:
Selecting storage for secondary indexes
Upon confirmation, the creation of secondary index can be started -> the tables /dv1/sec* and /dv1/rec* are created(notice also index ID in first column).
Index ID list
When you double-click on the row with index ID, you are able to review the definition of the specific index:
Index detail
When creating the Secondary index directly in the primary database, the Secondary Index tables can be viewed in TA SE16. In other cases use the report /dvd/sm_data_bowser to check the Secondary Index tables.
If the Secondary index is built correctly, the status is set to "Active". However, there are multiple Secondary Index statuses, which can require different handle scenarios:
Secondary index - statuses
Inactive: The SI will not be used in NLS readings(also even if allowed), in order to be activated again, the report /DVD/NLS_INDEX_SEC_REFRESH has to be run for DSO/index |
Active: The SI will be used in NLS readings(if allowed) |
Running: The rebuild of SI is running at the moment (SI will not be used in NLS readings, even if allowed) |
Disabled: The rebuild of SI was not successful, there isn’t any other way to active the SI as rebuild it completely (in OTB Browser or via report: /DVD/NLS_INDEX_SEC_REBUILD) |
Usage of secondary index
It is recommended to define the OutBoard secondary index on objects that restrict the data the most during the access. Usually, indexes defined on objects such as doc_number or deliv_number or on fields in filters with fixed values (e.g. comp_code = '0012') are the most suitable.
The usage of secondary indexes can also slow down the performance in cases where the NLS data is read heavily and not filtered at all. For this scenario, the usage of SI can be turned off on different levels (read below).
OutBoard Settings for Secondary Index
- Enables SI functionality in OTB browser, and is not editable via OTB settings (this parameter will be probably removed in the next OutBoard SP).
- When switched on (value "X"), Outboard's secondary index will be rebuilt during the NLS processes, such as archiving data and data reloading. The rebuild is done during the archiving/reload process, which can prolong the archiving/reload runtime. If some solvable issues occur during the rebuild of the Secondary index, the logic will switch automatically to a "P" mode of secondary index rebuild (see below).
- When set to "P", the OutBoard secondary index will not be updated during the archiving/reloading of the archived data. However any affected requests during the archive operations are noted into table /DVD/NLS_SEC_REQ, then secondary indexes can be rebuilt by using report /DVD/NLS_INDEX_SEC_REFRESH (can be built into process chain)
- When set to "" (left blank), the OutBoard secondary index will not be rebuilt during the next archiving/reload of data and will be set to disable (not usable). In cases where the Secondary Index should be used, there is the need to be rebuilt in the /dvd/outboard -> Browser.
Recommended: Turned on (Value 'X') on DEFAULT level
Reload of whole archive
- When switched on (value "X"), the Outboard's secondary index will be rebuilt during the NLS Writer adjustments in the archived area. The rebuild is done during the activation of data (for DSOs) or (for InfoCubes) during the load of data, which can prolong the activation/loading runtime.
- When set to "P", the OutBoard secondary index will not be updated during the NLS Writer adjustments in the archived area but can be updated to an active(usable) version using the report /DVD/NLS_INDEX_SEC_REFRESH (can be built into the process chain) - when set to "", the OutBoard secondary index will not rebuild during NLS Writer adjustments in the archive, In this case, the Secondary Index should be used and will need to be rebuilt in the /dvd/outboard -> Browser. Recommended: Turned on (Value 'X') on DEFAULT level.
- The storage defined here will be used as a default for the creation of secondary indexes
Default value: Empty, primary database. The ID of storage defined in OTB Settings should be inserted here.
- When switched on (value "X"), reading of NLS data is performed on enhanced position/row level – if the data is in the NLS package, the exact position is known and only relevant rows in the NLS package are accessed.
Recommended: Turned off (Value ' ') on the DEFAULT level. Turn on only for InfoProvider with SI to be used.
- If switched on (value "X"), reading NLS data is performed using secondary indexes logic.
Recommended: Turned off (Value ' ') on the DEFAULT level. Turn on only for InfoProvider with SI to be used.
- In order to create the Secondary Index, the /dv1/sec* table will be accessed multiple times. The parameter determines the package for reading the /dv1/sec* table. If a higher number is chosen, it can increase performance but also memory usage.
Default value: 500.000
- Enables or disables the pattern/hash ID search logic. This setting is turned off by default. Refer to chapter optional usage of SI (Secondary Index).
- Parameter for creating a custom string. Refer to chapter optional usage of SI (Secondary Index).
- Used to define block factor parameter for ORACLE hints for SELECTs used in logic for secondary index rebuild – the higher the number, the better performance. However, if set to a very high number, the FAE condition will be rewritten to a range condition, which can slow down the performance (to be checked with the person responsible for maintaining parameters in TA RZ11, which values are the most suitable).
Optional usage of Secondary index
Let us discuss this topic in one example scenario. Having an end-routine of the transformation it may happen, that there are multiple lookups on the same DSO with very small differences. The same lookup on archived data using different filtering (e.g. EQ conditions vs. NE conditions in the filter) may result in different performance impacts. Secondary Index logic could improve the performance for some of the lookups, but for others, the usage of this logic can have a negative impact on the lookup performance.
In this case, the enhanced logic for choosing the Secondary Index can be used. The lookup is then identified:
→ based on the HASH ID of the second include generated during the lookup translation (in case NLS Lookup translator was used to adjust the SELECT to NLS Lookup API)
SELECT translated with OutBoard´s lookup translator
→ Or based on the HASH ID defined in a custom way (e.g. as an exporting parameter of a custom method developed only for this specific scenario). The HASH ID should be an unique 25 character string.
Having the HASH ID, the behavior is then determined based on the settings in table /dvd/nls_sec_map:
Turn off the SI functionality for specific lookup:
→The value of Index_ID should be '0'.
Use a specific SI for the lookup:
→The value of Index_ID should be the SI index ID to be used
Table adjustment (3)
→The value of Index_ID should be '-1' in case the default algorithm should be used to determine SI (Secondary Index) to be used.
In case the /dvd/nls_sec_map is not maintained for a specific lookup and Secondary Index usage is switched on, one/multiple secondary indexes will be determined for usage by a default algorithm.
To allow this functionality, the following parameters have to be adjusted in OutBoard settings:
- When set to "X" the code of the e.g. transformation will be searched for the string "INCLUDE" and/or "CUSTOM STRING" (between two lookup API calls) and then for the HASH ID. This HASH ID has to be in the same row as the "INCLUDE" or "CUSTOM STRING".
Recommended: Set ''(blank) on default level and Set to 'X' only for DSOs where the enhanced logic for SI (Secondary Index) behavior determination is needed.
the string used to find the row with the HASH ID. E.g. if using an export parameter of a class method, enter here the name of the export parameter.
Default: Empty. In this case, only the string "INCLUDE" is used when scanning the code.
In aggregate, the dataset of an object (InfoCube, DSO) archived by OutBoard is saved redundantly and persistently in a consolidated and summarized form into the database. Using OutBoard Aggregates, it is possible to access the archived data very quickly in reporting.
For using aggregating on the archived data, OutBoard offers the Aggregates section. There are two types for OutBoard aggregates:
- Basic: Supporting a maximum of 16 characteristics for the aggregate.
- With Star schema: Aggregating on more than 16 characteristics, can be turned on via parameter AGGREGATE_FORCE_STAR_SCHEMA in OutBoard Settings (also for OutBoard aggregates with less than 16 objects). The purpose of the development of OutBoard Aggregates with star-schema is to support slicing and dicing on NLS data during reporting. In comparison to the basic aggregate stored as one transparent table. In this case, there are multiple dimension tables created and also one fact table (similar schema to the star-schema of an InfoCube).
These aggregates can be only created for archived InfoCubes and can be created in external storage (the external storage needs to be available -> to be defined via report /dvd/sm_mvc_storage_setup).
To access OutBoard Aggregates, enter the OutBoard Browser, choose the object from the context menu, and select "Aggregates". You will step into the OutBoard Aggregates screen.
Edit OutBoard Aggregates screen
For creating a new aggregate, click "Create New Aggregate" (F5). A window with Aggregate Name and Description appears. When working with InfoCube, you can copy already created aggregates in the Administrator Workbench for SAP BW. For choosing this option, select "Copy from existing Aggregates" checkbox and insert the name of the existing aggregate.
Outboard Aggregates Functionality
The OutBoard Aggregates screen allows you to create new aggregates, edit existing aggregates, edit items in an aggregate, fill the aggregate with data, and access user logs.
When new data is added to the NLS archive of an InfoProvider, the active Aggregates defined in OutBoard Cockpit will be updated and used in reporting. This option can be turned off using parameter REBUILD_AGGREGATE in OutBoard Expert Settings. Read more in the description of the parameter.
These functions are accessible from the top menu (tab Aggregates), the toolbar at the top, or after choosing an existing aggregate in the context menu. The toolbar in the OutBoard Aggregates screen provides several functionalities for working with aggregates. The buttons, from left to right stand for:
F2 | Refresh | F7 | Switch |
F5 | Create New Aggregate | Shift + F2 | Delete Aggregate |
Shift + F7 | Activate all | Shift + F5 | Transport Aggregate Definition |
F6 | Activate and Fill | F9 | Logs |
Shift + F6 | Deactivate | Shift + F1 | Documentation |
Shift + F1 | Edit |
For editing an Aggregate, click "Edit" (Shift+F1). When the Edit mode is activated, the Aggregate cannot be used. You are able to predefine also the list of InfoObjects to be used for the aggregate:
Build aggregate from list
For saving a specific aggregate, select the aggregate and press "Save" (Ctrl+S). For saving all the aggregates press Save and you will be asked if you want to save all the unsaved aggregates. Adding more items can be easily done, by using the drag-and-drop feature, so by moving an item from the tree in the left menu into the aggregate.
For deleting an item from an aggregate, choose the item from the context menu and select "Remove component" or just mark the item and click on the Delete icon on the top menu.
For activating the specific aggregate, select the aggregate and press "Activate and Fill" (F6). For activating all inactive aggregates, press "Activate all" (Shift+F7). During the activation process, you will not be able to enter Edit mode. After activating, the aggregate is turned ON and is prepared for reporting. By switching (F7) the aggregate OFF, it is turned off for reporting. By deactivating (Shift+F6) the aggregate, the tables with data are deleted.
The central part of the OutBoard Aggregates screen contains a list of aggregates with information in individual fields:
Information on Aggregates
Aggregates – name of the aggregate
Technical name – OutBoard technical name of the aggregate
Save – save icon is shown when the aggregate was changed and needs to be saved. Aggregate must be activated after saving.
Status – status of the aggregate. Can be:
- Activated – aggregate is activated
- Deactivated – aggregate is deactivated
On/Off – On/Off status icon of the aggregate. The icon can be:
- Green – aggregate is turned ON for reporting
- Red – aggregate is turned OFF for reporting
Description – description of the aggregate
Aggregated to request – name of request in which the aggregate was created
By expanding the Aggregate node, individual items can be seen:
Items in an OutBoard Aggregate
Aggregate logs
For entering the Logs menu, choose the aggregate from the context menu and select "View logs" or mark the aggregate and click on the Logs icon.
View Aggregates Logs
Before viewing the Logs, the Analyze Application Log screen appears, here you can set the object, time restriction, and other settings. You can enter the Display logs menu by clicking on the Execute (F8) icon.
Analyze Application Log Settings
To display a specific log, double-click on the log. The log information can be seen below in the Message section.
OutBoard Aggregate Logs
OutBoard Aggregate Settings (for Star schema aggregates)
There are multiple OutBoard parameters, which can be adjusted in order to tune the performance when creating and reading OutBoard star schema aggregates:
- AGGREGATE_FILLING_BUFFER_PACK - This parameter sets how many records are pre-aggregated from NLS storage upon their retrieval and stored in an internal table as an aggregated package. Always at least one full NLS package is aggregated.
After the range for the aggregated package is read, the result is written into the database and new NLS packages are processed. DEFAULT VALUE: 300.000
- AGGREGATE_FILLING_BUFFER_SIZE - Buffer size for dimension table entries. Records are first inserted into internal tables until reaching the size of this parameter. Once the boundary is reached records are inserted into the database. DEFAULT VALUE: 100.000
- AGGREGATE_FLLING_MASS_READ - Specifies how many records at once are selected from the aggregate fact-table in the database. The higher the value, the more complicated the SELECT is executed on the database. DEFAULT VALUE: 100
- AGGREGATE_FLLING_MASS_INSERT – This parameter sets the number of records inserted into an aggregate fact-table in one processing block.
- AGGREGATE_FORCE_STAR_SCHEMA - This parameter forces aggregate with less than 16 characteristics to be built in star-schema mode in the secondary database.
- SET_DEFAULT_SM_STORID_FOR_AGG - Identifies in which storage from storage management is the aggregate created. This feature is only supported for transparent Oracle storage.