(DTERP-2205) Mass archiving

The process of archiving could be a complex process where you have to decide what needs to be archived and where. This includes also customizing archiving objects and the creation of execution variants. The execution itself requires good timing in order not to create too much stress to the system. All these challenges could be addressed by our mass archiving wizard, which will guide you through the necessary steps and enable you to carry out execution easily.



In order to be able to suggest which data could/should be archived you need to execute the analysis. You could choose an analysis that will simulate the archiving itself and tell you what could be archived and what not together with data distribution on your system. If you want to quickly proceed with mass archiving and don’t want to know so much detailed information, you can execute a quick distribution analysis. More information can be found in the chapter Analyzer.

Archiving object customizing

Before you start with archiving, you need to customize archiving object. Here you can find an item that needs to be completed:

  • Setup of content repository

    • transaction OAC0

  • Archiving object customizing

    • transaction SARA → Customizing → (Archiving Object-Specific Customizing) Technical Settings

      • Set Content repository

        • Place File in Storage System → Content Repository

      • Set 'Not Scheduled' for Delete program

        • Settings for Delete Program → Delete Jobs → 'Not Scheduled'

Customizing is accessible directly from wizard.

Retention management

If you want retention management for your desired archiving object, you need to do customizing. More information can be found in the Retention management chapter.

Transparent archive

Archived data could be replicated to desired transparent storage, if you want to use this functionality, you need to do setup for the chosen archiving object. More information can be found in the Transparent archive chapter.

Supported archiving objects

Mass archiving is currently available for a limited number of archiving objects. Here you can find a list of the supported objects.

Archiving object


Archiving object



Archiving Product Costing Data


CO Line Items


Financial Accounting Documents


MM- Accounting interface posting data


Purchase Requisitions


Purchasing Documents


Materials management: Material documents


Document Log




Sales Documents


Billing Documents


Shipment Costs


SD Transport


Archiving Changes to Customizing Tables


Change Documents


IDoc - Intermediate Document


MM-WM: Warehouse management: Transfer orders


Work Items from Workflow System

Archiving run creation

Transaction: /DVD/EM - > Mass archiving

Here you will find how to create and set up a mass archiving run for specific archiving objects. Each archiving run manages the execution of one archiving object for given data selection and selected phases. The mass archiving wizard will guide you through the necessary setup steps in order to complete the run configuration.


Archiving object

The step will define which archiving object you want to use. Please check the supported archiving object firstly.

  • Test mode - by selecting Test Mode checkbox you will produce a test run where no data will be archived.

  • Use already existing analysis - online analysis is the default analysis. If you want to use other existing analysis for selected archiving object you can do so by choosing one from the search help menu.

Archiving area

Based on the selected archiving object, you can define using selection options which archiving area of the online data should be archived in this run.

  • Variant generation parameters(optional):

    • Min - the amount of objects to be included in a single variant. If the amount of objects is lower than this number, no variants will be created. We recommend considering the size of the table before setting the value.

    • Max - the maximum amount of objects to be included in a single variant. If the amount of objects is higher than this number, the objects will be includes in the next variant.

  • Execute variant generation in background - If there are too many variant to generate, you can opt to create variants in the background. There will be a refresh button in the next screen.

  • Time slices distribution - By checking this box you can divide the objects in variants by the selected time frame.

  • Distinct parameter - For each distinct parameter there will be generated a new variant. Legal field customized in Retention Management is mandatory checked and cannot be unchecked.

If both parameters Min and Max in Variant generation parameters are filled than if the last split variant should contains less than Min object it will not be excluded.


Once you decided which data you want to archive, here you will see the variants that would be generated for the execution. You are able to download the variant table, adjust it for example in Excel and import it back to the wizard. You can adjust which combination of the displayed values of characteristics should be added to which variant. You can group two lines into variants by simply changing the variant name to the same value. If there is time field (date) customized in Retention management you can do time increments of 1, 3 or 6 months to split the variant, if you find it too big. By clicking on the variant name you can display the variant. Please don't change the generated variant manually.


For each variant that was defined in the previous screen, you can decide which archiving phases should be executed. By clicking the Settings buttons you can access system customizing relevant to that phase.

Some phases (Store, Transparent archive, Retention management) require the previous customization. Please check the prerequisites for more info.

Execution parameters

The last step before the execution of the archiving itself is to decide how execution will be carried out. Here you will decide the order of the execution of the variant and phases and also whether you would like to be notified about the progress using email messages.


When you set everything according to your plan, you can complete the setup of the run by hitting the Finish button on at last step. By this action, the defined variants are generated and added respective phases are added into the execution tree.

When you finish the run it will be locked for further changes except for the execution notification parameter.