(DTERP-2205) Release notes

New Features

Mass archiving and analyses transport - support from SAP 700 SP27

Transport with mass archiving and analyzer functionality is compatible with lower releases from SAP 700 SP27.

Mass archiving - new archiving objects supported

Functionality was extended with the following archiving objects:

Archiving object


OIUH_JE_GLIS-Oil PRA Journal entry
BC_SBALArchiving Object for Application Log

Mass archiving - use exiting analysis for variant generation

Analysis that you executed to get the information about stragglers and data distribution can be now utilized on mass archiving for variant creation. The result of the analysis is already aggregated and therefore calculation of variants is faster.

Mass archiving - copy archiving run

Archiving run contains multiple parameters and selections, these can be easily copied to a new run. This feature allows you to execute the first run in test mode and copied the run in production mode. Using relative selection can minimize the time to set up and execute a regular archiving run.

Mass archiving - variant generation for optimization

Variant generation is the most important part of mass archiving and therefore we optimize the way how variants are prepared. Previously, we used crated one range for a continuous sequence of values, these sometimes cause too many ranges for one variant once data was fragmented. Variants are now created with the approach where we get minimum and maximum value and intersect it with user selection. This approach creates accurate variant selection with a predictable number of ranges. 

Mass archiving - test mode

Test mode for archiving objects shows how much data can be archived considering multiple blocking rules. Now you can flag the run as a test run and variants will be generated with the test mode flag and only the write phase will be executed.

Analyzer - execution filters

Analyzing a big system can be often time-consuming and system resources and users can be interested only in the specific data areas. Now you can execute analysis with specified selection and reduce the runtime.

Virtual index - archiving index (ZARIX) to storage management

Archiving index can occupy significant space on the primary database. Therefore, you can move archive index data from the primary database to any transparent storage from storage management. Virtual index enables you to read data on target storage. We provide also step by step process of how to move the data from the primary database to the target storage and switch to the virtual index.

Retention management - delete data also from the transparent archive after the retention period

Once data is after its retention period, archived ADK files are destructed together with data that were moved to external storage to fulfill retention requirements.

Transparent archive -  add new archiving files to run

Previously when you were using a transparent archive in manual mode (not using mass archiving) and once you finished the run, you were not able to add additional archive files. We enabled this functionality to add newly archived files or missed ones.

Content server - create repository metadata for file storage

If you already have files in a specific directory accessible from the application server, you can scan such folders and create metadata in the content server. This allows you to access your files using our standard functionality like a content repository or document management.

Content server - cleanup repository metadata report

Cleanup report will check whether mapping tables for document or component contain a reference to document and component table that doesn't exist. If such mapping exists, this report deletes it. The report contains also test mode.

SAP ILM store implementation 

If you are interested to use SAP ILM but with different storage than ILM currently supports, our implementation that working with our storage management could help. You can choose any binary storage that our storage management supports and use it with SAP ILM. 

Usability improvements

Retention management

  • Legal entity value search help

Mass archiving

  • Filter button for runs

  • Default value for notifications
  • Change the order of phases (WRITE, STORE, DELETE)
  • Documentation improvement in product

Bug fixes

  • Content server - statistics duplicate records
  • Mass archiving - mandatory distinct fields
  • Mandatory fields in SARA variants have not been filled during variant generation
  • Straggler analysis - customization of package size
  • Straggler analysis FI_DOCUMNT - memory optimization
  • Variant generation parameters are omitted in background processing
  • Straggler analysis - MM_ACCTIT - Rule "Minimum Residence Period" missing in the overview