(2202) Generate Offloading variants

It serves to the mass generation of Offloading variants based on relative or absolute conditions. After defining the relative condition, the user can split it into smaller parts and the same can be done for the absolute condition which has to be range. In absolute condition, the user can edit or add its own conditions.


  • All generated relative, absolute variants (also already saved) can be deleted with the Delete button:

  • Already saved conditions will be also displayed, the user can delete it row by row with the button Delete row and save to update variants.

  • It is not possible to:

    • generate both, relative variants and absolute variants

    • define field from generated relative variants in absolute condition

    • define field from generated absolute variants in the relative condition

  • Split by time unit:

    • Calday can be split by day, month, quarter, year.

    • Calmonth can be split by month, quarter, year.

    • Calyear can be split by quarter, year.

    • Calyear can be split only by year.

Relative part

In the relative part, only time-based fields can be defined. When the user defines the main relative condition, it is possible to split it into smaller parts with button Split condition - Generate variants

Main relative condition


Main relative condition will be split after clicking on the button Split into a defined number of requests by defined time unit: day, month, quarter, year.

The generated variants (relative and recalculated) will be displayed on the screen. It is not possible to change the conditions in relative part, but it is possible to delete row by row from the ALV table.

Split relative condition - Generate variants


  • When the user will execute Offloading one year later, the recalculated conditions will be + 1 year.

  • After clicking on the OK button, the conditions will be saved.

  • When the user clicks on the Delete button in the main relative condition, it will also delete generated variants.

  • Generated variants for the relative part can be executed again

Absolute part

In absolute part, all fields can be defined. When the user defines the range of time-based field in the main absolute condition, it is possible to split it into smaller parts with button Generate variants.

Main absolute condition


The range from the main Absolute condition will be automatically split by defined time unit after clicking on the button Split. The generated variants (low, high) will be displayed on the screen. It is possible to change the conditions in absolute part, and also possible to delete row by row from the ALV table.

Split absolute condition - Generate variants


  • The first list box of fields contains all fields from the main absolute condition.

  • The generation of variants is possible only for one field.

  • If the field is not time-based, split is not possible, the user must define his own variants manually.

  • When other fields are defined in the main absolute condition, it is possible to display/hide the sum of all conditions with the button Whole absolute condition. The other fields must be defined only before, not after generating variants.

Display whole absolute condition


  • When defining custom variants, the user can use Add multiple row button to add a number of rows.

  • When the user clicks on the Delete button in the main absolute condition, it will also delete generated variants.

  • It is not possible to execute generated variants again

Display generated variants

In Wizard’s first step ‘Object selection’ click on Offloading condition and a screen with conditions appear.

After clicking on the button Offloading variants - absolute part the absolute variants will be displayed in the new screen if it is defined.

Generated variants - absolute part


For the absolute part, the low and high values are displayed, and also the sum of the whole absolute condition.


After clicking on the button Offloading variants - relative part the relative variants will be displayed in the new screen if they are defined.

Generated variants - relative part


For the relative part, the relative condition and recalculated condition are displayed. The other fields from the main absolute condition will be joined to the condition after Offloading execution.

Request Browser

In the request browser, all generated variants are displayed as dummy requests with 0 and the status “Not offloaded”.

Dummy requests with absolute condition


Dummy requests with relative condition


For the relative part, the whole condition which is a sum of absolute and relative is displayed.

To execute Generated variants click on Schedule DP and it will automatically check the variants and execute Offloading for them one by one.

It is possible to delete variants with the deletion button.