(BWFT-Latest) BWFT2: How-to Guide

(BWFT-Latest) BWFT2: How-to Guide

This guide walks you through the complete process of setting up, running, and displaying the results of BW FitnessTest. 

As from version 1808, BW FitnessTest has been transformed into an add-on to CrystalBridge Monitoring.


The execution of BW FitnesTest consists of the following steps:

Initial settings

Adding a system to a Monitoring area

The first step is to add the current system to a BW FitnessTests monitoring area. Without completing this step, it's not possible to start the Collector job in CrystalBridge Monitoring.

  1. In the CrystalBridge Monitoring program (transaction code DVD/MON) navigate to the menu bar Settings > System settings.
  2. In System settings, highlight the system where BW FitnessTest will be running and click on the Monitoring areas in the left panel.
  3. Click on New entries on the application toolbar and enter the area name "FT".
  4. Press the enter key or the Save icon. In the list of monitoring areas, you should now see the "FT" monitoring profile.

The system that will be analyzed by BW FitnessTest is now added to the required monitoring area.

Setting up the collection of data in input tables

This step is optional, as by default BW FitnessTest uses standard values for collecting data (two background jobs and a reset period of six months).

However, you have the possibility to customize the collection of data by setting up the input tables (input tables are by default empty). To customize the collection of data through a Collector job in input tables follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to the top panels Settings > Collector settings.
  2. In Collector settings, choose (highlight) from the list the FitnessTest collector - /DVD/MON_FT_CL_COLL_MAIN, then go to Inputs & rules on the left side of the screen.
  3. Displayed are all input tables for the FitnessTest collector. To modify the collector settings click by the following tables.


  • System ID - enter the current system ID (F4)
  • FT Run ID - enter "BWFC_INS"
  • JOB_NUMBER - number of background jobs used for collecting data, the maximum value is 1/4 of total background jobs
  • Recommended period value - number of time units specified in the Type field. After the collecting process finishes, Fitnesstest waits after the Recommended period value passes and starts all over again. This period is calculated starting from the Collector job execution.
  • Type - choose a time unit (F4)
  • (warning) Do not change the field Server.


In this table, you can specify the time difference between the execution of two schedulers FitnessTest collectors - InfoProviders in three runs (IPR3R) and Number range buffer (NR buffer).

  • KPI name - name of the Fitness test collector.
  • Field Name - Each KPI name has two records with the time period parameters - PRDTYPE or PRDVALUE
    • PRDTYPE: period type (in version 1811 only days (DA) - are supported)
    • PRDVALUE: period value, enter a number of time units

Creating a Collector job

  1. In the CrystalBridge Monitoring transaction /DVD/MON click Create collector job.
  2. Fill the displayed dialog according to the following figure:
    • Definition
      • System ID - is filled automatically, it represents the ID of the current system (SID). If you want to enter a SID of a remote satellite system, you should make sure that BW FitnessTest was transported to this system.

      • Monitoring profile - enter "BWFT"
    • Execution
      • Change only if the collecting process shouldn't start immediately
    • Period - how often does the Collector job run. The recommended value is set after clicking Predefined values
      • Type - time units
      • Value - number of time units
    • Retention time - time period after which collected data is deleted. The recommended value is set after clicking Predefined values .
  3. If all fields are filled correctly, select (Re)Start collector job.

Executing the Collector job

If you didn't customize the collection of data in input tables, then by the execution of the Collector job the below-displayed pop-up informs you that the FitnessTest uses the default values.

After clicking Yes the Collector job continues to the prerequisites check.

The prerequisites check indicates how accurate the results of FitnessTest are going to be. The prerequisites check is displayed only if the query and InfoProvider statistics settings contain some warnings.

  • In the case the prerequisites check is successful

The FitnessTest Collector job is added to the Collector job list and automatically executed.

You can pause, modify or delete the Collector job by clicking the right mouse button on the Collector job and choosing one option. 

Deletion of the Collector job

If you delete or modify the Collector job, its execution will start again and your collected data will be lost.

  • If the prerequisites check ends with a warning

You may choose to continue with the execution by clicking Yes (the results might not be accurate) or display Query or InfoProvider statistics settings that may have caused the warnings.

Details about query and InfoProvider statistics can be seen after clicking on any of these two buttons.

Query statistics settings

You can view which queries have the statistics setting turned off (0,1,9) and should be turned on. For more information check the Info button.

InfoProvider statistics settings

You can view which InfoProviders have the statistics setting turned off (0,1,9) and should be turned on. For more information check the Info button.

At this point, if you want to adjust the queries and InfoProviders statistics settings, you must cancel the execution in the prerequisites warning pop-up.

Executing additional CrystalBridge Monitoring collectors

Completing this step you are able to display the following KPIs in the BW FitnessTest result:

  • Number of delayed background jobs
  • Number of failed background jobs
  • Number of used background jobs (all systems)
  • Number of queries falling on DM (BWA, DB, HANA)
  • Aggregate usage
  • BW duration running attribute change run
  • BW duration of longest-running cube compression
  • BW duration of longest-running DB indexing
  • BW duration of longest-running DTP
  • BW duration of longest-running InfoPackage
  • BW duration of longest-running MD activation
  • BW duration of longest-running ODS activation
  • BW PC step count
  • BW PC step error
  • Data temperature categorization
  • Size of column tables in delta memory (HANA systems only)
  • Size of column tables estimated (HANA systems only)
  • Size of column tables in main memory (HANA systems only)
  • Total memory size of column tables (HANA systems only)
  • Number of HANA dumps (HANA systems only)

To start monitoring data temperature KPIs:

  1. In the transaction /DVD/MON choose the appropriate system from the system tree and press . Default monitoring will not cover all listed KPIs. To do this, you can add profi
  2. For data temperature KPIs: 
    1. In the taskbar click Goto → BW Analysis Wizard and click Next
    2. Enter system ID of monitored system and click Next
    3. Check (if not already activated)
    4. Continue through the BW Analysis wizard reading instructions
  3. Create collector job with profile HMBW_1DAY
    1. In the Collector jobs panel, click Create collector job
    2. Fill the HMBW_1DAY profile in the Monitoring profile field and click Predefined values
    3. Click

Additional CrystalBridge Monitoring KPIs are now being collected.

Checking the status of collecting data

While the Collector job is running, the status and progress of collecting data can be observed and checked through the CrystalBridge Monitoring or the BWFT Monitor (/DVD/BWFT).

a) Checking the status in CrystalBridge Monitoring

To check the status of FitnessTest KPIs, choose in the KPI groups tree a  BW FitnessTest KPI group and choose the particular KPI.

All BW FitnessTest KPIs are divided into the following KPI groups:

  • BW FitnessTest collectors
    • Contains KPIs (statuses) of collectors, which were executed through the Task handler for non-HANA DB systems
  • BW FitnessTest collectors for HANA
    • Contains KPIs (statuses) of collectors, which were executed through the Task handler for HANA DB systems
  • BW FitnessTest analyses
    • Contains KPIs (statuses) of non-HANA post-processing programs
  • BW FitnessTest analyses for HANA
    • Contains KPIs (statuses) of HANA post-processing programs

Hovering the mouse over the chart line displays status in the form of a single number, which has the range from 0 to 4:

  • 0 - not running
  • 1 - running
  • 2 - completed
  • 3 - completed but with a non-critical error or a warning
  • 4 - didn't complete due to a critical error (a short dump, etc.) 

b) Checking the status of BW FitnessTest collectors in BWFT Monitor

To check the status of BW FitnessTest collectors

  1. Open the transaction /DVD/BWFT.
  2. In the Run ID enter "BWFC_INS" (this is common for HANA and non-HANA FitnessTest) and click Display.
  3. The status of BW FitnessTest collectors is displayed after selecting next to the three collector groups (Main collectors, Dependent collectors, Additional collectors).
    The status may be as follows:
    : Status is successful
       : Status ended up with a warning
       : FitnessTest collector is scheduled for a future time
        : FitnessTest collector execution is in progress
    : FitnessTest collector execution was completed with an error (negative result). You don't need to perform further steps as the error status doesn't influence the results of FintessTest.
         : FitnessTest collector execution wasn't completed due to an error. Please contact our consultants for further support.

To access the status of all individual jobs included in one group of jobs (one folder such as "Main collectors"), always use the Monitor .

The transaction /DVD/BWFT serves only for observation purposes.
Random manual execution of tasks can damage the whole FitnessTest run. Don't access the individual jobs through a double click.

The time difference between the execution of scheduler collectors is set by default. They can be changed in the input table (See the 730793450 above on how to set the time difference between scheduler collectors.

After all of the FitnessTest collector executions are successfully completed (all status except , , ), you can progress with the transport of the results.

  • The run "BWFC_INS" exists only when the Collector job is running.
  •  If you are running BW FitnessTest on another than the central system (satellite system) the last task  sends final data to the central system.

Transporting results

If you want to transfer collected data to another system (for example from the central system to the production system) you may follow the below described instructions.

The data transfer is possible only when the Collector job run isn't initiated remotely.

In the case, you are executing the Collector job remotely (The Collector job was created on another system), data from the Collector job will be stored in the system on which the Collector job was initially executed.

An example

You are on the NSQ system. If you create a Collector job with BW FitnessTest for the NSQ system (you want to run BW FitnessTest on the system you are on), after the BW FitnessTest is completed, the results are saved on the NSQ system. You may generate the data on the system.

If you create a Collector job for the HD1 system (remote execution), after the BW FitnessTest is completed, the results are sent to the NSQ system (the data is not available on the HD1 system). The generation is possible only on the NSQ system.

Exporting collected data:

  1. Use the transaction /DVD/MON_FT_EXP in the customer's system.
  2. Fill the System ID with the system from which you want to export data (key F4).

    As you can see in the below figure, several dummy systems are displayed. These systems are virtual systems, which were created during previous import processes. For example exported results from HD1 were imported to NSQ and saved under a dummy system H01, SIQ system saved under S01, etc. 

  3. Choose a time frame, from which we export FitnessTest data.
  4. Check the checkboxes to export data from multiple collectors (main FitnessTest collector, additional CrystalBridge Monitoring collectors, etc.).
    If you want to see chosen CrystalBridge Monitoring KPIs in BW FitnessTest results, you have to check also CrystalBridge Monitoring collectors, not only the main BW FitnessTest collector (highlighted red in the figure).
  5. Click Export. After the export is complete a zipped file is created.

Importing collected data:

  1. Use the transaction /DVD/MON_FT_IMP. Execute the import on the DVD production system (HD4), where the output is generated so that the benchmark can be used.
  2. Fill in the Source System ID. Fill the long ID even if the F4 help offers you short System IDs.

    The Source System ID is possible to obtain from /DVD/MON transaction > System info tab > System ID, for example NSQI000014. You have to obtain the SID on the system, from which the exported data come.
    If you don't have the access to the system anymore, you can obtain the SID from the exported zipped file → file name "exporting_metadata.xml".
  3. Execution of the import in test mode or non-test mode
    1. To check the consistency of the exported zipped data file, check the Test mode and proceed with the following steps. In this mode, data isn't imported into the system.
    2. To execute the import in a non-test mode, click Execute without a checked Test mode.
  4. During the import process, if data is already saved under the external system ID, you can decide whether you want to register a new "dummy" SID or save data under an already existing one.
  5. If during the importing process tables with duplicate data are found, you can choose if that data should be skipped or replaced. The best practice is choosing the SKIP option, as replacing the values for bigger results sets can be time demanding. 
  6. After the import is complete, a summary with all the imported tables is displayed. The summary appears in both modes, test, and non-test. In the test mode, data isn't imported and the first line includes the text "This is a test mode".

7. To stop all collecting jobs simply click Stop in the /DVD/MON transaction. Don't click Stop for BWFT collector unless you want to delete the whole BWFT run.

The collector job with BWFT profile will not consume any of the system resources until the restart period comes up (6 months by default), you may leave this job running (stop it to delete the whole run)

Generating the output

You can easily generate output from imported data using the new BW FitnessTest generator, as described below: 

  1. Open the transaction /DVD/MON_FT_GEN.
  2. For generating the output, fill the following fields:
    • System ID - check the F4 help for possible entries (multiple systems can be selected using the Multiple selections)
    •  Data selection - display data from a selected time range
    • Select KPIs - check or uncheck KPIs that shall (not) be generated
    • Recalculate Benchmark Statistics - generated output will be included in benchmarking and its score will affect the total benchmarking score
    • Use Industry Benchmark - benchmark calculation and update affects only scores of customers in the same industry

      Benchmarks are available only in our systems.

  3. Click Generate results.
  4. On the upper part of the window, you can view all BW FitnessTest runs, which are suitable for the generation of results based on the input values. It's possible to edit the customer's industry only if you checked the Use Industry Benchmark in the previous step (industry codes list can be displayed using the F4 help). Check only one execution on a system to generate results.

    Version 1811 supports only selecting a single run on a system to generate FitnessTest results.

  5. Click Confirm.
  6. Select a folder, where you want to download data (choose folder ''data" in BWFT Template file)
  7. To display BW FitnessTest output, use the official web template that can be found on fileshare (\03_Internal_Projects\BWFT\01 Templates\01 Output). Delete subfolder "data" from folder ''data" (this already contains demo results.
  8. The complete folder with the BW FitnessTest data and web template should look like on the following figure (version 1811):

9. To save system resources, please Stop all collecting jobs that are not needed anymore (use Pause in case you want to preserve the state of the BWFT run).

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