(2111) Maintain the Requests
In the dialog DataTiering Request Browser you may display information about the individual requests for a DataProvider (see the section Request information) or perform maintaining operations such as:
- Repair a request
- Delete an offloaded request
- Reload offloaded data
- Schedule the offloading process of a DataProvider
To access requests of the particular DataProvider, select Manage DP
Request information
The following fields display request Information:
DataProvider: Name of the selected DataProvider
Request ID: Request number. Click on the request number to display more information:
- SDA+ – information about its subrequests
- DTO – partitioning overview
Logs: You can display logs for the selected offloading request ID or for its partitioning requests, if there are any.
Offloading condition: Offloading condition used for the particular request
Phase: Process phase
Status: Status of a request can be:
- Running – Process is running
- Processed – Process finished successfully
- Failed – Error occurred during the process. In this case, you may run a Repair a request.
- Scheduled – Offloading is scheduled
Offloaded rows: Number of offloaded rows for a Request ID
Reloaded rows: Number of reloaded rows for a Request ID
Statistics displays more details (user, date and time, duration of processing) about request phases, and detailed processing history.
- Statistics for SDA+ displays also if the individual reloads and offload phases were successful. The Verify phase checks if the copied records are the same as the requested records.
- Statistics for DTO displays:
- Temperature Setup: The temperature of the partitions is changed from Cold to Hot for Offloading or from Hot to Cold for Reloading.
- Temperature Synchronization: Requested records are either offloaded or reloaded.
To display a detailed history of a request processing, select History in the Request Statistics dialog.
Display offloaded data
To view offloaded data for the selected DataProvider, select Data Browser. The functionality is similar to the standard ABAP Data Browser (SE16).
The table name consists of ZOFF prefix and the DataProvider name. However, if the DataProvider name is longer than 12 characters, the respective target table name is generated as shown in the figure.
Repair a request
To repair a request, click on
in the column Activity and the repair process reruns the request.Delete an offloaded request
If an offloaded request fails in the Offload-Copy or Offload-Verify phase and you don't want to repair the request, you may delete it by clicking Delete.
Reload an offloaded request
By clicking on
in the column Activity, you can schedule the reload process for a particular offloaded request.You may reload all offloaded requests of a DataProvider by selecting Reload All.
Schedule the offloading process of a DataProvider
You can schedule an offloading process for the selected DataProvider by selecting Schedule DP.
You can schedule an offloading job to start immediately, at a specific date and time, or after a job or an event.