(SP33) FAQ - NLS Writer
Datavard Ltd. was founded in London by a group of IT professionals with extensive knowledge of the SAP market and practical experience with implementing SAP products on a national and international scale. They noticed a growing gap as organizations were struggling to overcome issues created from using SAP Systems. As a result, Datavard was created and is growing dynamically, broadening its business to three different locations. We are constantly developing new tools and training more consultants to help more customers.
In addition to NLS for BW, Datavard also engages in System Landscape Optimization (SLO) and Data Quality Optimization for SAP systems.
If your questions are not addressed in this manual, or you do not have access to our Customer Support Center, please contact us at OutBoard@datavard.com.
Customer Support
You can log into the Customer Support Center with the login and password you've received when you purchased OutBoard. If you have purchased OutBoard, but cannot find your data, send us an e-mail to support@datavard.com, you will be contacted by Datavard shortly and provided with a password.