(SP32) Changing archive storage locations

This is relevant only for OutBoard with storage management. To setup data movement jobs for the different storage locations in line with the different aging profile definitions, the user should initiate ad-hoc data location a data movement job for this to be successfully executed.

Ad-hoc data location can be set up in Outboard Cockpit and enter Setting → Storage management → Aging profile assignment. In Edit mode assign profile with the target storage and Save.

To initiate movement, go to Outboard Cockpit and enter the Browser. Take the Storage update button on the header.

Switch to storage view button → Storage update button in OutBoard Object Browser

In the Storage update scheduler setup, you are prompted to indicate an earlier specified Aging profile and an existing Object to give this operation a target. Entering multiple choices and ranges is available.
You may set a number of parallel jobs for the storage updates in Number of parallel jobs.
 A high number of parallel processes may overload your system.

Schedule update of request storage

Executing the Storage movement job, completes the storage location changes predefined in the Aging profile on the selected Objects.

Scheduling periodic data movement jobs is a pre-requirement for the continuation of the movement scenarios defined in the aging profiles.

You can update storage locations also by calling a report /DVD/NL2_REQ_STORAGE_MASS_UPD via transaction SE38.