(2102) Action Queue

In the Action Queue you can find a list of recommended changes to scheduled DataProviders provided by (2102) Offloading analysis. Before these changes take effect, they need to be approved (or rejected) by a user. In this version, only suggested action is an offloading condition change of DataProvider, other actions will be added in future releases.

Updating the Queue

Action Queue is updated manually by clicking on "Regular Checker" button in the top left corner of the screen. This will get current suggestions from analysis and also triggers an e-mail notification.

Notifications setup

Action Queue e-mail notifications can be setup via Settings tab.

Action's life cycle

When a new action is added to the queue, it will have status Suggested and the state Not Executed. One of the following happens next:

  • We approve the action - after the approval, DataProvider's offloading condition changes and the action status changes from Suggested to Approved while the state changes from Not executed to Scheduled. 
  • We reject the action - in case the action is Rejected, the status changes to Rejected and the state remains unchanged.
  • Action is replaced - if there is already an action awaiting approval/rejection while new suggested action is recommended by Scoper for the same DataProvider, new action is added. The status of the older action will be changed to Replaced and approval will no longer be possible.

If the action is approved and the scheduled offloading request of DataProvider finishes successfully, the action state changes from Scheduled to Executed.

Statuses and states

All possible action statuses and states are listed below

Action statuses:

Suggested - Initial status, awaiting user's approval

Approved - approved and DataProvider changed

Rejected - rejected, DataProvider unchanged

Replaced - action replaced by new suggestion

Action states:

Not executed - no processing related to this action

Scheduled - action approved and offloading scheduled

Running - offload running

Executed - offload finished

Canceled - offload request canceled or changed

Display options

By default, only these actions are displayed

  • actions that await approval
  • actions that are approved, but offloading process with new changes is yet to begin

Actions that are not displayed

  • rejected actions
  • replaced actions
  • approved and executed actions
  • others

To get a complete list with all the actions user can use filter button on top of the ALV to switch between filtered and complete list.