Customer Support for ABAP Agent

Customer Support for ABAP Agent

Support for ABAP Agent is being provided via AppDynamics ticketing system https://appdynamics.zendesk.com and is dedicated for AppDynamics customers with valid maintenance agreement and valid logon data.

Request a support

Follow these steps:

  1. Sign in into AppDynamics ticketing system

  2. In a Dashboard page, click “Add”


  3. Fill in following fields properly; for ABAP Agent, Assignee and Component has to be the same as in the screenshot; the rest of the fields (Priority, Request type, …) should reflect current issue properties


  4. Provide a short description into Subject, issue details into Description, add the attachments (if any) and send it to us clicking the button “Submit as New”.



Support workflow

Escalation process

Escalation process described here is strongly related to a support process. It depends on the ticket status - who is the processor (L1 AppDynamics or L2/L3 Datavard) and what target priority is required.

If the ticket is assignet to L2/L3 level, only the step #3 and above is applied.

  1. L1 team (AppDynamics support) prepares complete handover documentation including the downloaded logs from the transaction /DVD/APPD_STATUS.

  2. If applicable, L1 requests the customer for creating an OSS incident on the portal https://me.sap.com/getsupport , with SAP component set to XX-PART-DVD, opened R/3 connection to the affected system, valid logon data, the user with assigned roles /DVD/APPD_ADMIN and /DVD/MON_ADMIN and authorized for the transactions SE16 and SE38 (if the issue is related to the transport import, also STMS transaction is required).

  3. Based on target priority, a manager is informed on Datavard side by the ticket processor (for Urgent - immediately, for High - in 1 business day).

  4. In case of Urgent target priority, the ticket is assigned to L3 support person.

  5. In case of Urgent target priority, an AppDynamics escalation manager can call a phone number +421 914 351 113 to notify a Datavard support person of the escalation. This phone number should not be used for demanding an online support.


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