(SP18) Advanced features and functions - Mass Archiving
Advanced features and functions
Mass archiving
OutBoard Mass archiving allows a user to archive more InfoProviders at once and it is fully automated. These InfoProviders are chosen by the user and are saved in a group with specified technical settings.
The mass archiving provides these two basic processes:
- Creation of DAPs
- Creation and execution of archiving requests
There are also another options offered as priority settings, scheduling and transport of group and group settings. All of these functionalities are described in the following and are dependent on the type of group (WODS, ODS, Cube, ChangeLog, PSA).
Mass Archiving in OutBoard Cockpit
Group maintenance
To access Mass Archiving, select the Mass Archiving option in the Outboard Cockpit or run the transaction /DVD/MASSARCH. The Group archiving screen will appear:
Mass archiving initial screen
In this screen you are allowed to Create (F5) a new group and Edit (F6), Display (F7) and Delete (Shift+F6) an existing group. These functions are also accessible from the top menu bar (tab Run) and application toolbar. A group consists only of Objects of the same type. Therefore by the creation of a new group, you have to select the type of your group from the options in the bottom.
You may open and then administrate your mass archiving group by filling in one of it's infoproviders.
After creating a new group a user will step into following screen:
Mass archiving - edit screen - setting and executing the functionality of mass archiving
For adding Objects to group click Add Objects(s) (F6). By a group corresponding to Cubes, DSOs and WODS user can search for InfoProviders according to either Technical name or Description.
Mass archiving - Add InfoProviders screen
In case of PSA group, the DataSource can be selected from the list of DataSources in the system or Source System. By a "ChangeLog group" the user specifies the ChangeLogs for group based on corresponding DataStore Object.
Mass archiving - added InfoProviders
For deleting the InfoProviders from group select the InfoProviders to be deleted and click Delete Objects(s) (F7).
Mass Archiving - Object deletion from Mass archiving group